Start your blog in style

Module 8 -: This is the eighth part of a series that I launched a few days ago and called: “ How To Blog For Free And Make Money.

When you’re just starting a new blog, there are two ways to go about it. The first is to enter the blogosphere like a quiet librarian who walks into the classroom and goes unnoticed. Second, you really have to come in like the teacher that students are eagerly awaiting, and they end up blowing up the lessons with teaching and not least a refreshing lecture.

I am sure you will choose the second option. I mean, you want to start a big bang blog that will make everyone in the blogosphere turn a blind eye or go deaf. ( Well i am kidding ).

If you want your blog to be really interesting, your blog has to be valuable to your target audience. Remember that there are already hundreds of blogs in your niche that are already booming. To grab attention and make your blog stand out from the crowd, you really need to give people a good reason to prioritize your blog. New blog compared to many others they already know. Unless you have something special to give, no one will bother when you throw or how you throw.

Now let’s take a look at five ways to get your blog up and running.

How to start your blog and get instant traffic for free

1. Differentiate and taper

You only get tired if you try to start with too many topics. Purposefully choose a narrow topic so that people quickly understand what your blog is about.

Additionally, you need to differentiate your blog from other blogs in your niche by adding your personality and other unique touches to your content. This will give people a reason to visit your blog and not other blogs in your niche.

By starting your blog with a narrow topic, you will greatly increase your chances of a big launch and your chances of being seen as an expert on that topic. When you have some momentum, you can always start developing your theme as needed.

2. Prepare great content in advance

If you really want a guaranteed way to launch your blog, you need to prepare awesome content before you launch it. Now, I’m not talking about quick general messages or private messages. I mean the most detailed, valuable, useful and amazing articles you have ever come across.

If your posts aren’t great, you won’t have a great launch. The safest way to create buzz around your blog is to create great content and let your readers do the talking.

Once you can convince your first visitors that they stumbled upon a really awesome new blog, they’ll be compelled to share your content and tell others about it. No one will share a blog with bad content or no content at all. If you want to start with real success, you need some truly refreshing content that you won’t find anywhere else.

3. Offer incentives to subscribe to the newsletter

Building a strong relationship with your first group of followers will help you convert them to followers. And having a mailing list is the best way to do that.

However, you should keep in mind that most of your blog visitors will not voluntarily subscribe to your mailing list if you do not encourage them, you should give your visitors an incentive such as a free eBook. or a video on a topic of interest. This will help you build your audience quickly.

You can even start building your email list before your blog officially launches. This will deliver to your audience even before you start publishing your posts.

4. Use social networks

Social media is a powerful tool for raising awareness for a new blog. Create profiles for your blog on all major social networks and start creating a subscription for your blog. This can be achieved through strategies such as constantly offering quality content, organizing contests, giving out prizes, etc. With plenty of social media posts, you’ll be able to drive quality visits to your blog from the first post.

5. Several paid advertising campaigns

Having a blog post with high traffic in your niche is a smart way to increase awareness of your new blog. But a more efficient and productive strategy is to post multiple ads on different blogs at the same time. You can’t expect to see an increase in the number of visitors after advertising on one or a few blogs, except that you would expect traffic from other channels. Advertising on many big blogs will certainly be expensive, but the results are well worth the investment.

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