An Ice Cream Business – Sample Business Plan

Are you a budding entrepreneur looking for a business to start? Wondering how to start an ice cream truck business? Or do you need a sample ice cream truck business plan template and feasibility study?

Wondering where to buy an ice cream truck? If you answered yes to any of the questions above  , then keep reading because this article is for you.

Now, for those who have yet to understand the ice cream truck business concept, an ice cream truck (  UK  ) or ice cream truck (  US  ) is a commercial vehicle that serves as a point of sale for the retail to sell ice cream, usually during the summer or dry season.

Ice cream vans or trucks are always visible when parked at public events or near beaches, parks or other places where people usually congregate. in other places. They usually stop briefly before crossing the next street.

Now, starting an ice cream truck business is one of the best things you can do because of the potential this business has to offer. Do you doubt the potential of this company? Here are some of the reasons why you should invest in starting an ice cream truck business.

Note  . This article is taken from  the Complete Guide to Food Truck Business  .

6 reasons to start an ice cream truck business

  • The demand for ice cream is high, especially in summer and in countries with hot climates.
  • Ice cream as a product has a large target market since everyone eats ice cream; regardless of age, race, religion, culture, etc.
  • Ice cream is a source of nutrition and energy for people; and therefore people will always be in demand.
  • The start-up capital required to start an ice cream business is low, and the raw materials needed to make ice cream are readily available locally. ,
  • The profit from each ice cream you sell is high because the raw materials required are cheap and the ice cream production process is almost fully automated.
  • There’s no need to rent a store or store, eliminating a recurring monthly rental bill. All you need is a one-time investment in buying a truck and branding it. You can even reduce your overhead costs by purchasing a used ice cream truck or building a custom truck.
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Now that you are convinced of the profitability of your ice cream truck business, below is a detailed step-by-step approach to starting an ice cream truck business.

Starting an Ice Cream Business – Sample Business Plan Template

1. How would you like to start this business?

Before you even spend a dime on a feasibility study or writing a business plan, you must first decide whether to invest in a successful franchise or start your own independent ice cream business from scratch.

The advantage of buying an ice cream franchise from a successful business is that you have built-in help to help you start your business. Franchises typically provide store layout and design, ingredients, supplies, and employee training.

However, they may require significant initial capital. But by starting your business from scratch, you’ll be able to determine how much money you want to invest, build a brand that aligns with your personal values, and grows at your pace.

2. Conduct a pre-feasibility study

It is important that you conduct a feasibility study for other ice cream or mobile device businesses in your area to understand the type of business. You are about to take risks. Examining other ice cream carts or food trucks operating in your environment will give you an idea of ​​how best to design your truck, van or cart. It is also important that you know who your target market is and what type of ice cream they prefer.

  • Are your target market children, adults, men, women, students, etc.?
  • Do they prefer dairy ice cream, strawberries, vanilla, chocolate or yogurt, etc.?
  • Will you be health oriented? passionate?

You can also find market statistics for your industry by visiting organizations such as the National Ice Cream Sellers Association. Visit the US Census Bureau website for local statistics on your target population, whether they are families, health enthusiasts, or young adults.

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You should also research and develop a list of products that you will sell with ice cream (  bottled drinks, waffle cones, cookies, and toppings  ). Research the cost of equipment for carts, mobile trucks, refrigerators, condiments, refrigerators, soft feeders, storage racks, tables, chairs, soda makers, warmers, tables, bowls, pasteurizers (  if you want to make your own ice cream  ), as well as farmers or ice cream vendors.

3. Obtain the required license and operating permit  .

Check with your city’s health department for the requirements and costs of obtaining a permit or mobile permit if you intend to use an ice cream cart. Requirements for lighting, equipment, debris, plumbing and ventilation; control of insects and rodents; and toilet access will be considered for the physical location.

You should also go to the advertising regulatory authority and get permission, as your van will display information that will be considered advertising information. If you don’t want to feel the stress of regulatory compliance, you can hire a food business consultant to help you out.

4. Choose an appropriate location or route for your ice cream truck.

You need to decide and choose a location for your ice cream business and expected customer base, whether you are driving to your destination at your customers’ doorstep, or just parking your truck in designated areas such as road junctions, parkways. waterfront, next to dog parks. or parks, squares, lively shopping centers, schools, churches, large markets, offices and family living spaces.

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You should consider car and pedestrian traffic, as well as parking and accessibility for customers and drivers. Considering the size of your business, you may need to provide adequate ice cream storage depending on the frequency of shipments.

5. Write a business plan

After choosing the best location, the next step is to develop a business plan for your ice cream truck business. This step is necessary especially if you intend to raise capital for the business.

In your business plan you should include your CV, location analysis, management style, market research and plan, design ideas for your mobile store, potential city locations , advertising methods, financial projections, how you are going to finance the business and the level of competition in the industry. Here’s a sample food truck business plan that you can use for FREE.

It’s also important to remember that your ice cream truck business will be competing with fast food stores.Once you have your business plan written, you can present it to financiers and investors starting with your local bank.

  • The cost of starting and operating an ice cream truck business

A small ice cream business can vary depending on the products sold, from snacks to hand dips. It will take about $ 4,000 to $ 15,000 to open an ice cream business and put it into operation. You should keep in mind that your initial investment capital will depend on the type of truck you are going to buy (  ice cream cart or stand or mobile truck  ), the cost of purchasing the franchise (  that is, tell if you intend to buy one  ) and the type of ice cream. that you are going to transport.

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6. Purchase the necessary equipment

Now, the type of equipment you buy will depend on the type of ice cream you intend to sell, as well as the scale or level you want to use. However, you can keep costs down by purchasing fairly used materials and tools. Here are some examples of the equipment you will need to start an ice cream business:

  • Business cards
  • Software
  • Used ice cream cart or cart
  • Inexpensive Ice Cream Cabinets
  • Freezers and refrigerators
  • Agitation mixers
  • Menu boards
  • Soft ice cream machines
  • bakers with waffle cone
  • freezers with ice cream cakes
  • “Cool food” (  popcorn, cotton candy,  etc.)

Selling Ice Cream Trucks How To Buy An Ice Cream Truck

Where can I buy an ice cream truck? Where’s the best place to find ice cream trucks for sale  ? When it comes to buying ice cream trucks  , there are many factors that need to be considered in order not to go wrong. Don’t waste time, here is the ice cream truck buying guide.

a. First, talk to local ice cream truck owners and learn about the pros and cons of buying an ice cream truck.

b. Select the type of truck you wish to purchase. What are the specs? What features and functions would you like to see in your ice cream truck? Will you be buying a new ice cream truck or an ice cream truck? Here are some of the questions you need to answer.

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vs. Look for used ice cream trucks for sale on Craigslist and online automotive sites.

re. Repeat your search on eBay or Amazon Autos.

e. Contact the local ice cream truck vendors and see what type of trucks they have.

F. Make sure the trucks you intend to buy from eBay, Craigslist, or a local retailer meet your requirements.

g. Ice cream truck test drive. If possible, have an auto mechanic check the engine and other parts.

h) If you haven’t found an ice cream truck that meets your needs, you should consider buying a used van and converting it to an ice cream truck. A metal fabricator or welder can do the job. You can also use light wood or PVC to make the body of your ice cream truck.

4 challenges of starting an ice cream truck business

Every business or industry has unique challenges or challenges that you must face. As an entrepreneur, it is your responsibility to identify these problems and develop strategies to best resolve them. When it comes to the ice cream business, here are some of the possible challenges you will encounter.

a. It can be capital intensive

Starting an ice cream business can be critical, depending on your location and the availability of an ice cream truck at your fingertips. Sometimes most people have to import an ice cream truck or ship it out of state.

b. It’s a seasonal business

Ice cream is best sold in summer and in hot weather. However, sales can drop dramatically during the winter or rainy season. Additionally, the ice cream business may not thrive in cold regions all year round.

vs. It requires technical know-how

Starting an ice cream business requires a great deal of technical experience to be able to manage and control the business of the business. To run this business effectively, you need to know how to drive a truck, make ice cream, balance your books, etc.

re. It depends on the power source

This problem is more common among ice cream truck owners working in countries with unstable energy supplies. Since you are dealing with foods that must be frozen permanently, you must equip your van or your truck with electric generators for your freezers; and freezers consume fuel or gas very quickly. Thus, increase your operating costs.

A good way to solve this problem is to provide a place where you can park your truck and connect to a power source. This will help reduce gas mileage in your truck, as freezers will not depend on the truck for power.

10 ice cream truck marketing ideas.

  • Don’t just sell your ice cream, get to know your customers or their kids and build relationships with them. Getting a food truck marketing plan will help you achieve this.
  • Choose a unique brand name for your ice cream truck and make sure your truck is well designed and labeled.
  • Place the ice cream truck in high traffic areas.
  • Encourage your customers to talk about your business and refer you to their friends.
  • Host your business online and connect with the community on social media
  • Attend community events and sponsor local sports clubs as appropriate.
  • Ask your customers how to improve your business and better serve them.
  • Maintain a unique route daily and make sure your customers predict your route and time.
  • Ask, research and discover the events that will take place in your environment and deliver your truck there
  • Provide quality products and quality services
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