New Employee Orientation Checklist for Construction Companies

Do you have a construction company and need a model to mentor new workers? here is a sample orientation checklist for new construction workers.

The construction industry is an industry that exposes the people who work there to occupational hazards. Therefore, if you are running a construction company, be sure to put in place conditions that will help you eliminate the work-related hazards and hazards that your employees will be exposed to when working on construction sites.

For the skilled worker, they may have received training that will keep them safe while doing their job, but for the unskilled worker, you can be sure that a good percentage of them just want to earn money. money and don’t necessarily know what it takes to keep them safe. the site must therefore ensure that you orient all those who will work for your company.

Anyone who wants to work for a construction company should know what to expect, but it is the responsibility of a construction company to ensure that everyone is on the same page, especially when it comes to matters. concerns their behavior and how they can help the organization. in order to achieve their goal, therefore, it is necessary for new and old employees to follow an orientation from time to time.

Note that employee orientation is a subset of accommodation. process. These are the actions that the company takes from the first days of a new employee to help them adapt to their new work environment, accomplish legal tasks, and learn about key company policies. company and prepare for their professional responsibilities.

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If you run a construction company, below is an example of a new hire orientation checklist that you would like your new hires to know;

Sample New Employee Orientation Checklist for Construction Companies

FIRST DAY … The new hire is expected to notify the human resources department where the degree orientation programs will be conducted. They must complete all applicable forms.

Check one – the new employee is introduced to the organization, president, management and employees

Check two … The employee knows the organization’s security policy. In fact, this is one of the main areas of the orientation program that should be spent more time because of the dangers that builders are exposed to. The average slogan of construction companies is “Safety First”. This should be the watchword of every new employee hired to work for a construction company.

Check three … The employee must be properly focused on what is expected of him, as he has a role to play in ensuring that his actions are not only aimed at ensuring his safety while doing his job, but they must also ensure that their colleagues are safe. and the work tool and machine with which they work are safe.

Check four – the employee must circumvent the object of the organization. A new employee needs to know where to go, when they need to meet someone in the organization, or when they need to apply and get something from the organization. They should become familiar with each department.

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Fifth check … The employee should be introduced to the construction equipment they are to work with and of course everything they need to know about the operation and maintenance of heavy construction equipment. After the introduction, appropriate training is usually provided on how to use the equipment.

Sixth check … The staff member should be familiar with the organization’s human resource programs / policies. The employee is expected to understand the complaint handling process, filing work-related complaints, investigating accidents, and affected healthcare professionals, among others.

Check seven – the employee must be presented to the organizations on drug and alcohol policy and they must know the sanction of any employee found for drug or alcohol abuse.

Check eight … The employee should be made aware of the internal and external training available offered by each employee. Participation is expected and what are the conditions to follow such training. As a construction company, training should focus on safety, machine operation and international best practices in the construction industry.

Check new … The employee should be properly guided on what to do to avoid falling when working on construction sites and how to use protective devices to help him stay safe while riding height.

Check ten – The new employee must receive the right orientation to follow in matters of electrical safety.

Check eleven – the new employee, especially if he has to use any of the heavy construction equipment such as forklifts, scissor lifts (mobile scaffolding), ladders, cranes, scaffolding, trenches and earthworks, must have appropriate safety rules for the equipment and they should be forced to observe them regardless of the experience they bring. o organization.

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Discover twelve – Most construction companies working on high rise building projects, a new employee needs to properly focus on what is expected of him when working on aeronautical work platforms (aerial work platforms). ).

Check thirteen – The new employee should be given the correct orientation on how to manage environmental risks and what is expected of them when they have to stop working when an environmental hazard puts their life at risk.

Check fourteen … There may be an emergency at the construction site, so it is necessary to give the new employee the correct orientation for emergency response. The employee must be able to know exactly what to do in an emergency.

Check fifteen … The new employee should be given the appropriate guidance on how to report injuries on and after the project site.

Check fifteen … Regardless of the job description of the new employee, every employee must complete a first aid training course. They need to know where the first aid and first aid kits are in the organization and on the job site.

Check sixteen … A new employee in a construction company needs to properly focus on personal protective equipment (PPE). Each new employee working on a construction site must be equipped with personal protective equipment and must be trained in the correct use of the following equipment: safety glasses, belt, gloves, reflective outerwear or high visibility vest (the if applicable), hearing protection (if applicable), respirator (if applicable).

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After the orientation session, the new employee should go through a quick screening to make sure they understand the orientation and see if they are ready. go to work. The new employee should check YES or NO to the question below to ensure they are ready to work for a construction company.

  • I have the personal protective equipment I need to safely perform my assigned job.
  • I have the safety training I need to do my job.
  • I know what to do in an emergency.
  • I know where to go if I have an injury at work.
  • Safety meetings are organized with the work team.
  • I understand the drug and alcohol policy.
  • I understand the importance of correct use of tools and equipment.
  • I am aware of the dangers of falling in the workplace and am always protected when working at heights.
  • Hand and power tools are in good working order.
  • My boss takes care of the safety and health of the work team.

Name, signature and date of employee

Full name, signature and date of manager / human resources manager

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