Canadian Speckle Park Cattle: Characteristics and Complete Breed Information

Speckle Park Canadian Cattle or simply Speckle Park is a beautiful breed of cattle originating from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It is a beef cattle breed, bred primarily for meat production.

And it’s one of the few breeds of beef cattle raised in Canada. As the name suggests, Canadian Speckle Park cattle are an authentic Canadian breed, bred from Aberdeen Angus, Teeswater Shorthorn and British cattle with a white park pattern.

The breed was namedshimmer parkBill and Eileen Lamont. Both parts of the name refer to the color pattern.

“Speckle” was used because of stains all over the back. And the “park” was obvious as some animals display the white parka pattern with a white body with colored dots around the eyes, muzzle, ears, shins and nipples.

The park is formed by the characteristic black, white and gray patches and color patches this breed is known for.

The Canadian Speckle Park cattle breed is one of the newest cattle breeds, officially recognized by the Canadian government in 2006. Speckle Park Breeders Association representatives of nine herds in 1985.

This association was created with the aim of developing a new breed. But later it was renamed “Speckle Park Association of CanadaHowever, check out more information about this breed of cattle below.

Speckle Park Canadian Cattle Characteristics

Canadian Speckle Park cattle are medium-sized animals and have inherited many characteristics from popular cattle such as Angus. The breed is named so primarily because of the color pattern.

Spotted – for spots on the back and all over the body. And Park – for the color around the eyes, ears, muzzle, nipples and shins.

Canadian Speckle Park cattle have white stripes on their backs and bellies (except for the solid color pattern). There are more patches of color around the hips and shoulders with a classic speckled pattern, usually with a black or black roan face.

The leopard pattern is white with small black spots. Genetically, the leopard patterns and the classic spotting patterns are the same and are the result of a combination of the hard gene and the White Park gene.

The pattern of white with black dots shows a predominantly white animal with black around the ears, eyes, muzzle, shins and hooves and is produced by the dominant gene.

Canada’s Speckle Park cattle herds also produce strong offspring. The breed may also have red spots as the recessive red gene can be seen in both specimens. The breed is naturally polled.

Adult bulls at Canadian Speckle Park average about 900 kg. And the average live weight of mature cows is about 550 kg. Photos and information from Wikipedia.


The Canadian Speckle Park cattle breed was bred as a breed of beef cattle. And now they are used to produce beef.

Special Notes

Canadian Speckle Park cattle are beautiful animals with distinctive color patterns. They are very hardy and well adapted to the cold Canadian winters as well as the summer heat.

At birth, calves are smaller in size, allowing for easy calving. And the breed rarely has difficulty calving. The cows are very caring mothers and take good care of their calves.

Canada’s Speckle Park cattle interbreed well with almost all cattle breeds and exhibit all the traits that promote hybrid vigour.

In terms of temperament, Canadian Speckle Park cattle are relatively calm animals and very easy to care for. See the complete profile of this breed in the following table.


Breed nameCanadian Shimmer Park
another nameshimmer park
Purpose of the breedMeat
Special NotesHardy, fast growing, easy to care for, quiet
Breed sizemedium
BullsAbout 900kg
cowsAbout 550kg
climatic toleranceAll climates
coat colorMiscellaneous / Mixed
milk productionNot really
Country/place of originCanada

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