Bottle-feeding pygmy goats: How to bottle-feed pygmy goats

You should bottle feed your kids if your doe abandons her young or is unable to feed her babies in any way. Some people also choose to buy baby bottles to raise as pets or to herd.

There are many recipes for milk substitutes and milk substitutes for raising formula-fed babies.

Dwarf goat bottle

However, here we describe formulas for bottle-feeding pygmy goats (although no one seems to have a definitive answer when it comes to feeding a kid).

First day

Babies only need colostrum on day one (within the first 24 hours of life). Colostrum is vital for newborns.

It is enriched with special nutrients and maternal antibodies that help protect newborns during their first weeks of life.

In some cases, your doe (mother of newborns) may die, and you will then have to give colostrum to the goat yourself.

The best source of colostrum is goat. You can get it fresh or frozen, but try to give it to newborn babies as soon as possible.

There is also a colostrum substitute on the market. A substitute can be purchased in stores. Do not attempt to use a colostrum supplement (because colostrum supplement is not suitable for children).

If you can’t find a colostrum substitute, use homemade bottle formulas for pygmy goats.

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Take 3 cups of milk, 1 teaspoon of fish oil, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 raw egg. Mix the ingredients well and you’re done. Give this mixture to the children.

But remember that neither this formula nor the commercial colostrum replacement provides maternal antibodies. But they will provide the children with the necessary nutrition.

Try natural food

Pygmies and bottle-fed Nigerian dwarf goats don’t need any unusual recipes. They will do very well with commercially available cow or goat milk. But try to avoid powdered or canned milk.

Because canned and powdered milk can cause indigestion and diarrhea (called purging). It is recommended to add 3 tablespoons of corn syrup per gallon of cow’s milk and it will give a good result.


You can use your own formula for formula-fed pygmy goats. Take 1 gallon of milk with 1 can of condensed milk, 1 beaten raw egg and 1 cup of buttermilk. Then mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Buttermilk may contain enough good bacteria to prevent children from scratching. This formula is similar to other baby formulas and should work for all types of children.

How often should babies be fed

As a general rule, Nigerian dwarf and pygmy goat kids usually eat less than their full-sized counterparts. But you need to determine their feeding schedule and frequency based on their appetite and health. Do not skimp if the children are hungry and do not overfeed them.

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Overfeeding causes bloating in goats. Bloating indicates that children are gaining weight but not stretching. In the case of bottle feeding pygmy goats, you need to bottle feed your babies for about three to four months.

Although some people also recommend weaning dwarf kids at 8-10 weeks of age and starting to introduce solid foods.

For babies weaned between 8 and 10 weeks, start feeding 12 to 24 ounce babies three to four times a day for the first week.

36 oz divided two to four times the second week, and in the third and fourth weeks, use 32 oz and divided two to three times daily with your choice of hay and water.

From week 5 through weaning, use 32 ounces and split hay, grain, and enough fresh water twice a day. Your veterinarian may have other recommendations for you. It is advisable to follow the advice of a veterinarian.

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