Steps to sell your fashion design in online stores

Your designs are ready, you launched your brand and even started selling to some people, but you and I know that every designer’s dream is to get your designs to popular clothing stores. It’s so satisfying that your designs are showcased in popular online clothing stores, but how do you do that?

Note … This article is taken from: The Complete Guide to Starting a Clothing Line from Scratch.

The truth is, getting your designs online isn’t an easy task, and there really isn’t a hard and fast rule for how to do it. You have to work really hard and be ready to come back in case you stumble a few times because as a newbie there is a chance of being rejected by several retailers who think your brand is not popular yet and what it is. ‘she wears. your brand. would tie their capital.

I wrote this article to teach you how to sell your designs for online stores and even asked them to wear their designs. You think it’s possible; is not it? So here are the steps to follow:

  • How to create your own clothing line without money

9 Steps To Selling Fashion Design Online Shopping

1. Carry out several feasibility studies -: You need to search the internet and write down the names of the major online clothing stores that you want to take with you. Learn more about each of them and the products they sell.

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You also want to get a feel for sales and income. You don’t want to waste time and energy in a store that doesn’t have sales. You can try to get the email addresses of the owners to use to communicate with them about your brand and what you are trying to accomplish.

2. Do some preliminary work -: You can’t just wake up one day and dump your brand with online clothing stores and expect them to just buy your brand, you have to do the pre-marketing yourself and make sure your brand is well known to people.

You should also make sure that you have already made sales online. You can convince other people to take your designs to their store. It would be difficult to convince people to sell your brand if you can’t prove that you are making a sale.

3. Offer attractive prices -. Another effective strategy for making your products visible and accepted at online retailers is to offer attractive prices so that online retailers can get more profit from selling your brand. For example, if the retail price of an item of clothing is $ 50, you can offer it to the seller for $ 25 so they can sell it at 100% profit, but all your expenses are covered and you leave enough profit for your efforts. p21>

4. Submit product catalogs to online stores -: You can regularly send catalogs of your projects, called “booklets”, to targeted sellers. These catalogs will contain pictures of some of your products, as well as descriptions of each product and prices.

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Make sure the catalog photos are professional photos engaging enough to get people interested in your products. Online retailers can also host your guide on their website, and when they see shoppers requesting your products, they’ll be invited to patronize you.

5. Talk to people who were in business before you … you may be able to learn a thing or two about how they managed to get their brands in big online stores. You can find books written by famous designers or talk to marketing experts to help you.

6. Attend fashion shows -. When attending fashion shows, there’s a good chance you can meet and chat with seasoned fashion professionals, including online clothing store owners. At this point, your networking skills must be in full swing to be successful.

7. Hire independent sales representatives -. You may not be able to do all of the work yourself. Having an independent sales representative can definitely help you do more. Look for someone who has experience selling online, who already has contacts, and who has been able to build relationships with online clothing store owners. You can pay them based on the commission.

8.send free samples -. The fastest way to grab the attention of online retailers is to send them free samples. When they see how fast your samples are selling, they won’t hesitate to make you their regular customer.

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9. Use drop shipping … One of the challenges facing online retailers is how to quickly and safely deliver their products to their customers. Sometimes shipping is expensive, and buyers are encouraged to buy when they know they won’t have to pay extra.

Why should I pay an extra $ 25 for shipping when I can just walk into the nearest store and buy something like that without paying a dime for shipping ? This is the mindset of many customers, so you as the designer / wholesaler can help your customers solve this problem by removing the burden of shipping.

Online stores selling your brand will only display your products on their website and when there is a demand they will come back to you and you in turn will send them to the customer.

This makes more sense than sending an entire shipment to your customer ( Online Store ) in France, where he will have to spend money for shipping and possibly customs clearance, then when there is an order for the goods, he will also have to spend money to deliver to customers.

10.Work with distributors -: You can work with distributors who have been in this business for a long time and who already know all the tips and tricks in this area. When an online distributor carries your brand, retailers will be able to buy from them as well as sell to others.

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11. Affiliate programs: … Finally, you can introduce affiliate programs to encourage online stores and even webmasters to publish and sell their products on their websites for a commission.

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