Sheep Vaccination Schedule: When and How to Vaccinate Sheep

Timely vaccination of sheep is very important to keep them healthy and protect them from all kinds of diseases and health damage.

And this is very important if you are engaged in commercial sheep breeding. The vaccination schedule for sheep depends on various factors. It depends on your area and what diseases are common there.

sheep vaccination schedule

The sheep vaccination schedule also depends on the age of the sheep and the purpose of keeping them. Before vaccinating animals, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Try to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations when vaccinating sheep or other pets. Here we are talking about the general and basic vaccination schedule for sheep.

Essential vaccines

You should regularly vaccinate your sheep against two types of enterotoxemia (commonly called binge eating disorder) and tetanus. CD-T (this three-in-one vaccine is known as CD-T) provides protection against these life-threatening diseases caused by Clostridium bacteria.

This type of vaccination does not depend on your location and the age of the sheep. But make sure the lambs in your flock receive this vaccine a few days after birth.

Because overeating is one of the leading causes of infant mortality. A few months later (at weaning time) they will need another injection of CD-T.


Hoof rot often occurs in sheep in areas where there is a lot of rain. This is also known as foot burn. Vaccination against this disease does not provide 100% protection. But vaccines help reduce the severity of the infection.

Vaccines work very well when you take good care of your animals. Depending on the climate in your area, you can vaccinate sheep against leg rot every three to six months. But always try to get them vaccinated against foot rot before the rainy season.


Timely vaccination of sheep is also very important. Especially if you raise sheep for commercial purposes. You must make a sheep vaccination plan according to your breeding schedule.

Vaccinate sheep against Campylobacter (a bacterium that can cause abortions) about three weeks before mating. And vaccinate them against CD-T to provide immunity to the newborn lamb through colostrum.

Vaccinate CD-T three weeks before delivery. Vaccinate ewes against CD-T twice during pregnancy if lambing for the first time. Along with the CD-T vaccination, all sheep should receive an intranasal influenza vaccine.

pain in the mouth

The pain in the mouth leads to the defeat of the sheep’s mouth. This is a general term for contagious ecthyma. It can be transmitted through milk to lambs if the sheep has been exposed to the virus. Be very careful and wear gloves while taking.

Because this live vaccine can affect people. There is no vaccine against oral pain. Instead, it is placed on a sheepskin (use the applicator to cut a small piece of wool).

You can also place the vaccine on a sheep’s tail or ear. Vaccinate lambs on the inside of the thigh. Vaccinate your herd annually against oral pain.

This is a general vaccination schedule for sheep. No vaccination guarantees 100% cure or protection. Vaccines work very well when you take good care of your animals. So, in addition to timely vaccinations, take care of your pets.


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