Pigmy Pouter Pigeon: Characteristics, Uses, and Breed Information

The Pigmy Pouter is a breed of domestic pigeon from the United Kingdom. It actually comes from England and was developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed, like other varieties of domestic pigeons, descends from the Rock Dove.

In fact, almost every pet breed has a miniature version, and the pigeon is no exception. The Pigmy Pouter is a miniature version of the original English Pouter pigeon.

But Pigmy Pouter is not as popular as its regular or large version. But the breed still has a dedicated fan base. And that’s understandable when you see such a weird and fragile bird.

But despite their name, these birds aren’t much smaller than the Brunner, at less than 12 inches tall. He is supported by the proud and pompous Englishman Pouter.

But the breed is much easier to work with than the full-size version. The famous British poultry farmer Sir John Sebright (who later bred the Sebright Bantam) is believed to have bred the Pigmy Pouter first, although the issue remains controversial. However, read more about the Pygmy Puter pigeon breed below.

Appearance of the Pouter Pigeon

The Pigmy Pouter pigeon is a relatively smaller breed than the common English Pouter pigeon. He maintains an elegant upright posture with slender legs, as well as a large round ball or ball marked with a shiny white crescent.

These birds have a thin, narrow and proportional head. They have a long and thin waist, they are tall, elastic and straight. They walk with elasticity of movement, as well as with close limbs.

They have very lively eyes, which can be bovine or colored. They have small and small wattles. Their backs are long and narrow, and their necks are proportionally long.

The wings of the Pigmy Pouter are narrow, held close to the body and taper into thin webbed wings.

Their tail is short and very narrow, clipped from the ground. Their ball is round and proportionally large, strongly protruding from the waist.

The breed is available in brown stripe, blue stripe, dusty stripe, khaki, silver stripe, black, brown, cream stripe, red ash, dun, khaki, yellow ash, white, and AOC.

The average size of adult birds is less than 12 inches. And their mature body weight is about 350 grams. Photos and information from RightPet and Wikipedia.


The Pigmy Pouter is bred primarily as an ornamental or show breed. Some people also keep these birds as pets.

Special Notes

Pigeon Pigmy Pouter is very beautiful in appearance. This is a really lovely breed that seems to have the same desire to flaunt and show off as any other sulky pigeon.

These birds are usually very fond of their owner. And a bird usually tries to attract the attention of the owner.

The breed may be a more reliable breeder than its larger cousin, although it prides itself on its beauty. These birds have a big personality combined with a compact body size.

In addition to being bred for show or ornamental purposes, the breed is also very good for keeping as a pet. It is a rather long-lived bird, like other breeds of domestic pigeons, and has an average lifespan of about 7-10 years.

However, check out the complete breed profile of the Pigmy Pouter in the following table.


Breed namePygmy Powder
another nameeverything
Purpose of the breedshow, ornament, pets
Special NotesBeautiful birds, very hardy and active, really charming, usually very fond of their keepers, wonderful personalities, long-lived, good for shows, good for ornamental purposes, good for keeping as pets.
breed classLittle
The weightAbout 350 grams
climatic tolerancenative climate
Ability to flyGood
like petsGood
ColorA lot of
Country/place of originUK

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