Growing Chameleon Plants: How to Grow Chameleon Plants

Cultivation of Chameleon Plants (Other names include Bishop’s Grass, Chinese Lizard’s Tail, Heart Leaf, Fish Wort, Rainbow Plant, Fish Leaf, Fish Mint fish, etc.) is very popular in Southeast Asian countries. Plants generally grow well in moist, shady locations.

Chameleon plants (Houttuynia cordifolia) are actually colorful plants that cover ground in areas that might otherwise be left bare due to poor or wet soil. And the plants are actually considered weeds in most areas.

The chameleon is a flowering plant native to Japan, Korea, southern China and Southeast Asia. Plants can grow 2 to 3.3 feet tall and up to 3.3 feet tall.

They have alternating heart-shaped leaves (1.6 to 3.5 inches long and 3 to 8 inches wide.

Chameleon plants are considered weeds in most areas, but they are also a good leafy vegetable.

Some people choose to grow chameleon plants to use as a fresh herbal garnish.

The leaves of these plants have an unusual taste, often called “fishy”. The plants are also used in traditional Chinese medicine.

However, growing chameleons in your garden can be a great way to take advantage of this vegetable. You can eat the leaves raw, in a salad or cooked with other vegetables.

How to Grow Chameleon Plants

Growing chameleon plants is very easy. They do not require special care and can be grown almost anywhere.

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Here we try to describe more information about growing chameleon plants in the vegetable garden.

Choose a location

First, choose a good spot in your garden to grow chameleon plants.

Chameleon plants grow best in full sun and partially shaded areas. But the color of the leaves develops best in a sunny place.

prepare the terrain

Chameleon plants are picky about soil types. They can grow anywhere and in any type of soil.

For best growth, plants prefer moist soil in shady places. However, you can add organic matter to the soil to help plants grow well.

Buy cuttings

Chameleons reproduce by division. So buy cuttings from one of the nearby garden centers or nurseries.

The best time to grow chameleon plants

Chameleon plants grow best in summer. In fact, they are herbaceous perennials that die back in winter. They usually bloom in the summer.


Plant the cuttings in moist or moist soil. And they will quickly spread and cover the area. Indeed, plants can become invasive in gardens and are difficult to eradicate.


As we mentioned above, chameleon plants require less care and maintenance. They will grow normally if you keep the soil moist at all times.


You can start collecting the leaves after a year. The leaves are edible and eaten in a variety of ways (including raw, in salads, or cooked with other vegetables).

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Chameleon plants are very useful around ponds or wet areas where you want to add color to moist soil. I hope you enjoyed this guide to growing chameleon plants. Good luck!

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