Golden Guernsey Goat: Traits, Uses, and Complete Breed Information

The Guernsey Golden Goat is a breed of dairy goat used primarily for milk production. This is a rare breed of goat from the Bailiwick of Guernsey in the Channel Islands.

The exact origin of the Guernsey Golden Goat is unknown, but since goat bones have been found in dolmens (a type of megalithic tomb) on the islands as early as 2000 BC, it is likely that the breed began to spread. develop into its current form. time. It is believed that the ancestors of this breed were goats of the Oberhaslian and Syrian breeds.

The breed was developed from landraces crossed with Anglo-Nubian and Swiss breeds between 1920 and 1950 (according to

The first documented reference to the Golden Guernsey in its present form dates from 1826, when “golden goatwas printed in a guide.

The Golden Guernsey goat was first introduced to the UK in 1965 and the result is a subspecies known as British Guernsey.

Was found English Club Golden Guernsey was formed in 1965, which later became Guernsey Golden Goat Society. Learn more about this breed of goats below.

Characteristics of the Golden Guernsey Goat

The Guernsey Golden Goat is a beautiful, medium-sized animal. As the name suggests, goats are golden in color with shades ranging from pale blond to dark bronze.

The coat length of Guernsey Golden Goats is highly variable, being smaller and finer than other British dairy goats. Males are sometimes horned, but most of the population is not.

The minimum height of an adult deer is about 71 cm, and for females – 66 cm. The minimum weight of Guernsey golden males is 68.18 kg, females – 54.54 kg. Photos and information from Wikipedia.


The Golden Guernsian goat is a breed of dairy goat. Mainly used for milk production. But for meat production it is somehow good.

Special Considerations

Guernsey Golden Goats are very obedient and friendly. They behave well, like most other dairy goats. They say dollars have an unusual smell.

They are pretty good milk producers. But their levels of milk production are lower than those of Swiss dairy goat breeds.

Golden Guernsey goat’s milk contains more fat and protein. Their milk contains about 3.72% milk fat and about 2.81% protein.

Golden Guernsey milk is excellent for making cheese. On average, they produce about 3.16 kg of milk per day. See the full breed profile of the Golden Guernsey goat in the following table.


Breed nameGolden Guernsey
another nameeverything
Purpose of the breedMilk
Breed sizemedium
BullsAbout 68.18 kg
doeApproximately 54.54 kg
hornsMales are sometimes horned, but most of the population is not.
climatic toleranceAll climates
coat colorGolden with shades ranging from pale blond to dark bronze.
Suitable for Stall FedNot sure
scarcityOrdinary parts
Country/place of originwoolen sweater

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