Why you shouldn’t be ashamed to seek mental health care

As awareness of mental health increases, many people are still ashamed to ask for help. People don’t want their friends and family to know they are struggling. They may worry about what people are going to say about them and their struggles. Or they may just be afraid that people think they are not strong enough.

Valued NIH At least one in five Americans suffers from some type of mental illness, whether it’s anxiety, depression, or more serious problems. That’s a big chunk of the population, around 43.8 million people. So it is clear that you are not alone if you are in pain. In fact, you may still be a minority, but you are far from alone in your struggle.

Unfortunately, not all people with mental illness seek help. These figures are therefore only estimates. There may be many more people with situational depression or anxiety who never seek help and therefore are not considered mentally ill each year. Situational depression and anxiety caused by stress in life are much more common than you might think.

In fact, only 9.8 million people suffer from serious mental illness; the vast majority of people who seek mental health care each year are those with mild episodes of depression, stress, anxiety, or just in need of someone. who you can talk to during a difficult time in your life.

No need to know

One way to overcome your personal objections to seeking mental health care is to accept that no one should know that you are seeking mental health care. Some people live in a small community where everyone knows everyone and don’t want anyone to see them walk into the therapist’s office.

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There are simple solutions for this. With the invention of telehealth services such as BetterHelp.com , you no longer need to go to a physical location for therapy. In fact, you can participate in therapy from the comfort of your home, your car, your break room, or literally anywhere. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer, and you can easily join therapy even if no one knows.

While some services work with the app, there are many services that work through the website. With the option in Google to open an incognito tab, you can easily prevent the therapy website from appearing in your browsing history, no matter what device you are using. Anyone who takes possession of your phone or tablet will never know that you are contacting therapy.

With these guarantees, it’s easy to see that confidential help is just a click away. While no one should be ashamed of needing mental health care, now no one needs to know that you are getting such help in the first place.

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