Shropshire Sheep: Characteristics, Origins, Uses, and Breed Information

The Shropshire sheep is a dual-purpose domestic sheep breed originating in the United Kingdom. It is native to the hills of Shropshire and North Staffordshire, England.

It was developed in the 1840s. The exact origin of this breed is unknown. But breeders in this area have taken local black-faced sheep and crossed them with several white breeds of sheep, especially Cotswold, Leicester and Southdown sheep.

As a result of this crossing, a breed of medium-sized sheep with good wool and meat was obtained. Shropshire sheep were brought to the United States in 1855. Currently, the breed is bred primarily for meat production.

Shropshire sheep quickly gained popularity after their development. It was first exhibited in a special class of short-haired sheep at the Royal Gloucester Exhibition in 1833.

And this breed got a place in the price list of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1859 as a recognized and excellent breed.

The breed is a member of the Downs sheep family and one of the few black-faced sheep on the conservation priority list.

US Register of Shropshire was founded in 1884. Learn more about this breed below.

Characteristics of the Shropshire Sheep

The Shropshire sheep is a medium to large breed with a sleek car. Its body is covered with fine and thick hair.

It is a hardy animal, as indicated by the width and depth of the chest, the strength and shape of the neck, and bold active movements. The fleece of these animals is of good length, dense and elastic to the touch.

The fleece is of medium size, without black fibers and well wrinkled. Their skin is light cherry color, transparent, without dark spots.

The body of a Shropshire ram is plump, long, deep and symmetrical. Their shoulder is strong, smooth and blends well with the body.

Their head is short and wide between the ears and the eyes. The head of a ram is bold and courageous, without horns.

Their face is straight or slightly convex. Their necks are short, strong and muscular, especially in rams.

The ears of Shropshire sheep are short, alert and well set on. The ears are not erect, but perpendicular to the head.

The ears are of medium thickness, the same color as the face and legs. Their legs are short but strong, well furred and well spaced.

The leg hairs are usually dark chocolate brown (although other colors may be present).

As a medium-sized animal, the average live weight of adult Shropshire sheep ranges from 68 to 114 kg. Photos and information from Wikipedia.


Shropshire sheep are dual purpose animals. They are bred for meat production and wool production.

Special Notes

Shropshire sheep are very alert and active animals with a very attractive appearance. In fact, they are productive and useful dual-purpose animals.

They have a relatively calm temperament and are very easy to care for. They feed well and gain weight well.

It is a prolific breed known for its ease of lambing. Due to their gentle character, these animals are a very good choice for youth projects.

The wool of the Shropshire sheep is of good quality, with a fiber diameter of 24.5 to 33 microns and a fiber length of 2.5 to 4 inches.

Like all sheep, this medium-grade wool has a resilience that makes it ideal for hard-wearing items such as hats, mittens and socks.

However, check out the full breed profile of the Shropshire sheep in the following table.


Breed nameShropshire
another nameeverything
Purpose of the breedmeat, wool
Special NotesVery hardy and alert animals, attractive appearance, dual purpose animals suitable for both meat and wool production, relatively calm temperament, very easy to care for, efficient feed and good grain weight, prolific, known for lambing easy, good choice for young projects, good quality yarn
Breed sizemedium to large
The weightFrom 68 to 114 kg
climatic tolerancenative climate
Country/place of originUK
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