Determining the sex of a pigeon: how to determine the sex of a pigeon

Determining the sex of a pigeon can be tricky, especially if you are a beginner. Although some experienced pigeon breeders are also deceived.

There are many different methods to determine the sex of a pigeon. But none of these methods can guarantee 100% accurate results. And only the DNA test method can give a 100% accurate result.

Different ways to determine the sex of a pigeon

As we mentioned above, “there is no way to determine the sex of a pigeon with 100% accuracy (other than DNA testing).”

If you keep pigeons, you will need to learn the basic system for identifying a male or male pigeon.

However, we are talking here about common methods for determining the sex of a pigeon.

Appearance of birds

Male pigeons are generally larger than females in size and appearance. The head of the male pigeon is round.

In contrast, in female pigeons, the head is usually flattened. The eyes of female pigeons are round, while those of male pigeons are not as round as those of females.

In terms of body weight, male pigeons are much heavier than female pigeons.

Observe their behavior

Observing the behavior of your birds is also a great way to determine the sex of a pigeon. Males usually become very angry in nature and females calm down. Male and female cooing.

But the cooing of the male is usually accompanied by a dance and a rolling of the tail on the ground. Males generally enjoy chasing other pigeons.

And men tend to own more assets than women. The female dove accepts the male by lowering her wings.

Pigeons generally live in pairs and mate for life. They share the care of their eggs and their young.

If the pigeons have eggs, the male usually sits on the nest in the morning (until about noon). And the female will occupy the nest later in the day.

Listen to their sound

Males and females usually coo. But male pigeons “tilt and scratch” (tilt their heads and scratch the ground with their tail feathers). Females are generally less vocal than males.

Watch your toe

The back toe of pigeons is usually smaller in both males and females, but the difference is in the side toe.

The lateral fingers of the female pigeon are not equal to the front fingers. In men, the side fingers are equal to the front.

hold your wing

Grab both wings of the bird with both hands and shake them in the air. If the bird’s tail is straight, it is a male pigeon.

But if you notice the tail pointing up, it’s probably a female.

Ventilation system

Some experienced pigeon breeders use this system to determine the sex of a pigeon.

Male pigeons have bones that close under the tail. While the bones of female pigeons are wider.

DNA test

None of the above methods can guarantee 100% accurate results. You can only get a 100% accurate result with a DNA testing system.

A DNA test determines the sex of a pigeon by analyzing a sample of the bird’s blood or feathers.

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