Growing Turnips: Growing Organic Turnips In Your Garden

It is very easy to grow turnips organically in your garden. Plants grow and mature faster, and you can enjoy both plant roots and greenery.

That is why the cultivation of turnips is very popular with home gardeners. And turnips go very well with other root vegetables like carrots and radishes.

Turnip (Brassica rapa Rapifera Group) is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates around the world for its white bulbous taproot.

It is also known by other names such as white turnip, CIP, Swedish, Swedish etc

Turnip plants are very hardy and fast growing. You can expect a harvest of vibrant greens within a month.

And a month after planting, you can expect root collection. These are the most notable benefits of growing turnips in your garden.

How to start growing turnips

Growing turnips is very easy and you can definitely grow this vegetable in your garden. Most beginner gardeners should try growing turnips in their garden.

Here we cover everything about growing turnips organically in the home garden, from planting, care to harvesting.

Choose the variety

First, you need to choose the right variety of turnip for growing in your garden. In fact, there are many different varieties of turnips, but you need to choose the right variety.

You might want to check with some of your local growers for the best recommendation.

Some common and popular turnip cultivars are Green Globe, Yellow Globe, York Globe, Purple Top White Globe, Just Right, etc.

If you want to start growing turnips primarily for their greenery, any variety will do.

Buy seeds

After choosing the right strain, purchase seeds from your local seed store. You can also order seeds online. There are several providers available in online stores today.

The best time to grow turnips

The turnip grows well in temperate climates around the world. It is actually a cool season vegetable and can be grown in the spring and fall (just avoid the hot summer months).

Soil preparation

Turnip grows well in loam or sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. The soil should be well drained and have access to sunlight.

Turnip seeds are sown directly into the ground, so the soil must be carefully prepared.

Before planting the seeds, prepare the soil by mixing in a layer of good household compost or well-rotted manure. If you have clay soil, a little sand will do.


To grow turnips, you will need to sow the seeds directly into the ground. Because turnip plants do not transplant well.

Sow the seeds directly into the ground and cover the seeds with soil about 1/2 inch. Water the bed after sowing the seeds.

Sowing seeds in rows will be fine, and the row spacing is about 12 inches.

Turnip seeds germinate very quickly. Cut the seedlings 4-6 inches apart when the seedlings are about 4 inches tall. If you are growing turnips for greenery, space the plants 2 to 3 inches apart.

turnip plant care

Extra care for turnip plants will result in good plant growth and higher yields.

Plants must therefore be maintained. Here we will tell you in detail the steps of caring for turnips.

Fertilizer: When growing turnips, top dressing is not required. If you’ve already prepared the groundwork in the above manner, you’re set.

Watering: Water immediately after planting the seeds. It is important to maintain constant soil moisture. Turnip plants require slightly moist soil, so you will need to water the plants at a rate of 1cm per week to prevent the roots from becoming stiff and bitter.

Mulching: Lots of mulch will help keep the soil moist. It will also help prevent weeds from entering the garden. Therefore, mulch generously with straw, dry leaves or compost (which will come in handy).

Dilution: Turnip plants are grown from seed. So you need to dilute it. Cut plants 4-6 inches apart when they are about 4 inches tall.

Cannabis control: Weeds consume most of the nutrients in the soil, so weed control is very important. If you mulch heavily, you will be able to avoid most weeds. If you notice additional weeds, use a hoe.

Pests and diseases

Like many other vegetables, turnips are also susceptible to some common garden pests and diseases.

Aphids, mildew, powdery mildew, flea beetles and rootworms are common problems when growing turnips organically in the vegetable garden.

Use organic pesticides or other home remedies to combat these issues.


You can enjoy both greens and turnip roots. A month after planting, you can start harvesting the green leaves.

Young, tender leaves taste best. In the case of root harvesting, you can harvest at any time when the roots have reached the desired size.

But a young turnip is much more beautiful and tender than a mature turnip.

These are the easy steps to growing turnips organically in your garden. Hope you enjoyed this guide. Happy gardening 🙂


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