Gohiwadi goat: characteristics and information on breeding

Gohiwadi goat is a breed of Indian goat distributed mainly in Amreli, Bhavnagar and Junagarh districts of Gujarat. It is a versatile breed of goat that is commonly bred for meat, milk, and fiber production.

According to the FAO, the total population of Gohiwadi goats in the core range was 0.369 million (1972 census). Among them, about 0.277 million were adults and 0.017 million were adult women. Learn more about this versatile Indian goat breed below.

Characteristics of the gohiwadi goat

Gohiwadi goats are medium to large sized animals. They mostly appear in black. Their body is covered with long stiff hairs. Their nose line is slightly convex and their ears are tubular and pendulous. Male and male are usually horned. Their horns are slightly curved and turned upside down.

The average height of an adult female is about 79 cm at the withers and that of a male about 81 cm. The average live weight of adult males is about 37 kg or less. And mature females can reach an average of 36 kg in live weight.


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Gohiwadi goats are usually raised under an extensive management system in their native region. They usually look at their local pastures and pastures. But they will feel very good if they receive a high-quality bandage. Learn more about feeding goats.


Gohiwadi goats are very good breeders. Females are prolific and mostly produce offspring on their own to play with a mating percentage of around 15%. The average age of a deer is 20 months.


Gohilvadi goats are very strong, hardy and active animals. They do very well in their local environment.


Gohilvadi goats are versatile animals. They are grown for the production of meat, milk, as well as for the production of fiber. Females are good milkers, giving around 1.5 kg of milk per day during lactation for around 220 days. The average hair production per year is around 317 grams.

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