Criollo Argentina Animal Farming: A Startup Business Plan for Beginners

Argentine Criollo breeding is very popular, especially in its region of origin. It is actually a domestic breed of dual-purpose cattle that is bred and valued for both milk production and meat production.

As its name suggests, the Argentine Criollo cattle breed originated in Argentina. It is one of the criollo-type cattle found in the Americas, including the Texas Longhorn.

These animals descend from the first cows brought by Christopher Columbus during his trip to America. In addition to their great genetic diversity, these animals are also well known for their docility and hard work.

Like criollo relatives, Argentine criollo cattle exhibit the full range of color patterns of the Bos tarus. A breed association called the “Argentine Association of Criadores de Ganado Bovino Criollo” was founded in 1990 as an official breed society.

Owners must verify the original purity of their livestock if they wish to register their animals with the Criollo Association. Animals must be tested by the association before they can be considered purebred Argentine Criollos.

However, since these animals are dual-purpose, starting a commercial criollo farm in Argentina would be good business for both meat and milk production.

How to Start Criollo Cattle Breeding in Argentina

Like many other breeds of domestic cattle, Argentine Criollo cattle are also very strong and hardy animals. They do very well in their native climate. So starting commercial criollo breeding in Argentina would be a good and profitable business.

Here we try to outline more information about starting and running a successful Criollo cattle ranching business in Argentina, from buying animals to grooming and marketing.

Buy livestock

First of all, you need to acquire very high quality, healthy and active animals to start your Criollo Argentina cattle breeding business. Buying good quality animals is very important. Because good quality animals always deliver good performance and maximum profit.

You can buy animals at one of the nearby cattle markets. Or one of the Criollo breeding farms near you (if available). Just make sure the animals are very strong, hardy, active and disease free.


The creation of a good, safe and comfortable housing system is another important part of the Argentinian Criollo breeding activity. Because a good home not only helps animals stay healthy, but also protects them from wild predators and adverse weather conditions.

The type of house can be anything depending on your budget, as well as the availability of building materials in your area. You can build a house with inexpensive and readily available materials, or it can be made entirely of concrete. Just make sure your home is safe and comfortable for pets.

Argentine Criollo cattle are a medium-sized breed. Thus, they will need adequate housing space. Plan enough space inside the house according to the number of your animals. Try to make the house so that it is easy to clean. Install a good ventilation system and ensure that enough fresh air and light enter the house.

some products

Feeding the animals with very high quality and nutritious food is the most important part of the Argentinian Criollo breeding activity. Because good nutrition not only helps animals stay healthy, but also helps them grow better and produce more. So give your pets good, nutritious food.

Argentina’s Criollo cattle are dual purpose animals. Thus, they will need both green vegetables and grains in their diet. You may want to consider feeding your animals silage during the dry season.

Argentine Criollo cattle, like many other breeds of domestic cattle, need plenty of fresh, clean drinking water. So, provide your animals with enough clean and fresh drinking water according to their needs. Never give them contaminated water or food.


Argentine criollos, like many other domestic cattle breeds, are naturally very good herders. They will breed easily if you have a good bull to cow ratio in your herd. You can also consider artificial insemination if you don’t want to breed bulls.


Animal care is key to the success of Argentine Criollo breeding. Because good care always guarantees good health and good growth of animals.

So always try to take good care of animals. Keep your pets vaccinated and wormed in a timely manner and always try to maintain good contact with your local veterinarian.


Marketing livestock products is not a problem. Because cow meat and milk are in high demand and valued on the market. This way, you will probably be able to sell your products in the local market. However, you need to establish your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the steps and ways to successfully start and run a Criollo Argentina cattle ranching business. I hope this guide has helped you! Good luck and God bless you!


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