Promote and advertise your blog online for free

Module 5 -:  This is part 5 of a series of articles I started a few days ago titled:  How to Blog for Free and Make Money. 

Register your domain name, create a blog with Blogger or WordPress. Create high quality content that interests people. Deliver value consistently. And over time, your traffic will increase.

This is what most blogging experts preach   . And that’s what you probably believed too. But my friend, even after all these steps you will not generate good traffic. These tips have been helpful in the past – around 10 to 15 years ago. But history has changed.

If you keep collecting tons of valuable content hoping to generate a lot of traffic with it, you will be disappointed. Traffic to blogs is no longer done by osmosis, the blogosphere now contains hundreds of thousands of blogs, each struggling to find the poorest of all on the Internet: human attention. Therefore, you need to actively promote your blog so that people can pay attention to it.

Promoting your blog can get very expensive. But there are inexpensive ways to promote your blogs, and in doing so, you will receive huge resonance and traffic in return. Here are 5 inexpensive advertising media you can use to promote your blog:

5 inexpensive advertising media to promote your blog

1. Contextual advertising

Google Adwords is the best option when it comes to contextual advertising. This is because your ads will appear slightly above or next to search results when people search Google for information that matches your targeted keywords. This means that your ads will appear to the people who are most likely to need the information you offer on your blog and who are more likely to click on it.

Plus, your ads will appear on websites, blogs, and other online resources. platforms whose content is closely related to your ads, which means that your ads will appear on online platforms that people may be interested in.

It is very inexpensive to promote your ads using Google Adwords. You can tag a campaign for as little as $ 25 and get ads like this for your blog. However, the more you spend, the better.

Addynamo is another pay per click advertising platform that also allows you to promote your blog cheaply. However, this platform does not have the benefit of displaying search results that comes with Google Adwords. In Google Adwords or Addynamo, you have the option of paying per click or per 1000 views.

2. Facebook Ads

Besides chatting with friends and having fun, you can use Facebook to promote your blog and raise awareness. Facebook is a great platform to do this because it is one of the three most visited websites in the world. And virtually all internet users in Nigeria visit Facebook on a daily basis.

When placing ads on Facebook, you can choose to display image ads, sponsored posts, or links. The type that will work best for you depends on the subject of your blog. With Facebook Ads, you can also choose to pay per click or pay per view. Whichever option you choose, it is very inexpensive to display your ads on Facebook.

3.Remote publishing

It is simply a matter of writing valuable articles and posting them on authoritative, high traffic blogs with the goal of exposing your blog. Most of the high traffic Nigerian blogs are always willing to accept and publish guest posts that are of value to their audience.

While a high traffic blog gets valuable content for free, you will receive a huge influx of traffic to your blog. as long as your message remains relevant. Plus, since most blogs allow guest post writers to have a link or two in their author bio, you get a link back to your blog that will help improve your search engine rankings.

Hosting guest posts will cost you nothing. more than your time if you can produce the content yourself. But if you are too busy or if you are not a very good writer yourself, you can hire a freelance writer to write a large number of guest posts for you, which you will submit to as many Nigerian blogs at high traffic as possible. With little money, you should receive a lot of high quality messages.

4. Marketing on forums

This strategy is to use forums to attract attention to your blog. Nairaland is by far the most popular online forum in Nigeria and the most recommended for this strategy. Just sign up with Nairaland and start offering valuable and useful content that is closely related to what you have to offer on your blog. In your signature, add a brief description of your blog and a link to it.

The more you submit, the more traffic you will drive to your blog, because those who find your content useful will want more by clicking the link in your signature on your blog.

The more detailed and useful the content you post, the more attention your blog attracts. And it can happen for free if you have the time to write messages yourself. But if you’re too busy or just can’t write for other reasons, you can hire a freelance writer.

5. SMS marketing

This strategy is not dead. It still works like magic and will work as long as people stay in close contact with their cell phones. You can send bulk SMS to people who might be interested in your blog.

In your article, describe your blog and the benefits they can get by visiting it. And don’t forget to include your blog URL. With less than 20,000 N, you can reach several thousand Nigerians by SMS.

5 Ways to Use Biggest Blogs to Promote Your Blog

“If I have seen further (than others) it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants  . “- Isaac Newton.

He didn’t know when Isaac Newton wrote these words in a letter to Robert Hooke in 1676 that his words would become a quote that many would reflect on and act on for centuries. in which Newton’s words are applicable and which can be achieved.

For example, if you are new to the blogging industry in Nigeria and want your blog to grow quickly, far ahead of most other Nigerian blogs that have existed before, you need to  rest on the shoulders of the giants. In other words, you must use giant blogs in Nigeria to promote your blogs. And you might be wondering who these giants are. These are big blogs like Linda Ikejis blog, Bella Naija, YNaija, TechLoy, Omojuwa, etc.

Now you are probably wondering how to promote your blog and make it more popular by taking advantage of the biggest blogs in Nigeria. Here are five tips to achieve this:

1. Guest messages

Most of the popular blogs in Nigeria are always ready to accept and publish guest posts that will be of use to their audience. Writing guest articles for these blogs is one of the best ways to use them to promote your blog. On most blogs, you can include a brief description of yourself or your blog with a link to your blog.

If your guest post is posted to a high traffic Nigerian blog, your blog will generate instant massive traffic with referrals. Visits: And since the articles on these blogs tend to rank very high in the search results, there is a good chance that more people will read the articles for years and then click on the link to your blog. As such, guest posting generates massive traffic both short and long term.

Additionally, having a link to your blog from an authoritative blog gives your blog more credibility and authority, as search engines rank sites and blogs in part based on the number of links they have. ‘they get from authoritative blogs. So, guest posting also gives your blog a search engine optimization advantage.

2. Direct advertising

If you really want your blog to go wild in no time, you have to spend money – a lot of money – on advertising. One of the most effective paid advertising methods is buying ad space in high traffic niches in your niche or writing a sponsored post on your blog.

For example, if you are blogging in the tech niche, you should consider placing ads on TechLoy or Naija Tech Guide. You can also post your ads on high traffic blogs that are not in your niche but have huge audiences that your blog will likely be interested in.

However, you have to keep in mind that posting ads on Nigerian high traffic blogs can be very expensive. Linda Ikeji charges between 350,000 NN and 500,000 NN for the advertising space on the front page of her blog.

3 Personalized ad network campaigns

If you can’t afford to pay for direct ads on the high traffic Nigerian blogs in your niche, there is a sensible way to get your ads displayed on them without wasting a lot of time. However, you have to keep in mind that this strategy will only work if the blog is making money from the PPC ads generated by ad networks like Google Adwords and Addynamo.

Here’s the strategy: You run ad campaigns on the same ad. a network that generates pay-per-click ads on the blog where you want your ads to appear. In your campaign settings, set your blog URL, especially the channels you want your ads to appear on. This is possible because ad networks allow you to specify on which sites or blogs you want your ads to appear.

With this strategy, you will place your ads on high traffic Nigerian blogs in your niche without paying huge amounts of money. advertising rates. But you won’t be able to implement this strategy if the blog you want to advertise on doesn’t display pop-up ads.

4. Survey of owners of high traffic blogs

Another smart way  to steal  traffic from high traffic blogs is to interview the owners of those blogs and post interviews on your blog. Most often, these people try to appreciate this gesture by informing their blog audience of the interview, either by mentioning the interview on the blog, or by copying an excerpt from it into their blog. This will lead to a huge flow of traffic to your blog.

Please note that these strategies do not have to be implemented once. If you really want to get good results with them, you have to implement them consistently.

5 free tools to help you grow or grow your blog

The success of a blog depends a lot on the success of the blog. how fast it grows or develops. This explains why serious bloggers are always working to implement various measures to develop and grow their blogs. There are many strategies you need to adopt to grow or expand your blog; from basic to complex and those that bring instant results to those that will have a long term effect.

Growing or expanding your blog may not necessarily be costly or based solely on your efforts. There are many resources and tools online that can help you achieve this goal. While many of these tools come with a price, many more can be used for free. Here are five free tools that can help you grow or grow your blog:

1. Google search

The Google search engine is the most widely used free tool on the Internet. And it is one of the most useful and effective tools to grow or grow your blog.

With a Google search, you can find reputable blogs in your niche that you can use to promote your blog. You can find interesting theme ideas. You can find out how many web pages are vying for the idea of ​​an article. You can find quality information for your blog posts. You can know the ranking of your blog in the search results. In fact, the list of things you can do with Google search is endless.

The more you use Google Search to find information that will help your blog grow and grow, the more you will use the information you find to research. the more you earn, the more chances you have to successfully grow or expand your blog.

2. Google Keyword Planner

This tool, also owned by Google, is another free tool that you can use to grow or extend your blog. This will help you determine the keywords people are using to Google search for information related to your blog topic.

It is not enough to post quality content on your blog. To really drive huge traffic to your blog, you need to post quality content that people are really looking for. In other words, you have to give people exactly what they really want, not just what you think they want.

Google Keyword Planner can help you find promising keyword variations, the number of monthly searches each attracts, the level of competition for everyone, and the average amount Google Adwords advertisers pay per click for each keyword ( it also gives an idea of ​​the competition).

To grow or grow your blog, just search for promising keywords. using Google Keyword Planner. Then write quality articles for those keywords. Chances are, your blog will rank high for these keywords in the search results, and you will generate more traffic.

3. Mailchimp

It’s more about building a successful blog than just posting and promoting articles. To grow your blog, you need to build strong relationships with your readers. And having a mailing list to engage with your readers via email is one of the best ways to do that.

Email is one of the most personal ways to communicate with your readers and gain their trust. Share valuable information with your mailing list subscribers and they will become loyal readers of your blog. Whenever you post a new blog post, tell your subscribers about it and they will happily follow the link to your blog to read that post. This way you would take responsibility for your blog traffic.

Most of the trusted mailing list services available charge a monthly fee to use their services. However, Mailchimp allows you to use their service for free until you have 2,000 subscribers.

4. Google Analytics

This is another free Google tool to help you grow your blog fast. Google Analytics provides a variety of reports and metrics on your blog traffic, showing the number of visits your blog gets each day, the number of page views each visitor, the geographic location of your visitors, your traffic sources , the most viewed articles and pages on your blog, and more.

By constantly checking your Google Analytics, you can determine what decisions need to be made to grow your blog. For example, if you find that your visitors are more interested in a particular topic, you can attract more visitors by posting more articles on that topic.

5. Multifunctional SEO plug-in

The WordPress plugin comes in handy when you need to optimize your blog posts for search engines. Remember that search engines can bring you huge amounts of traffic in the long run. To generate more traffic from search engines, you need to write search engine friendly content.

The All-in-one SEO plugin helps you optimize your post’s title, URL and description for the keyword you are optimizing.

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