Marketing ideas and tips for photography

Are you an aspiring photographer looking to learn how to get the most exposure for your business? Here are ten of the smartest photographic marketing ideas

This article is a continuation of a series I started a few weeks ago called How to Start a Photography Business Without Money. Like other entrepreneurs, professional photographers must spend 20% of their time marketing alone. It might seem like a lot of time, but marketing is exactly what makes the difference between photographers who make big profits and those who make crumbs.

Even the best photographers in the world won’t get a dime if no one knows them. Marketing your photography business doesn’t have to be a huge expense. There is more than low cost, quantifiable marketing strategies that can deliver great results.

NOTE -: this article has been selected from The Complete Guide to Starting a Photography Business … You can take the course for FREE.

If you are looking to grow your photography business to the point of becoming one of the most active and successful photographers in your area, here are 10 inexpensive but very effective photographic marketing ideas that you should start now:

10 best smart marketing ideas and tips for photographers

1. Make your reception or reception area friendly

You need to make sure that your receptionist or receptionist smells good and looks groomed. You should make it comfortable by providing reclining cushions. And display your best work on the walls so that those in the waiting room can admire them and have confidence in your experience.

Whenever you visit customers and have other customers waiting at your reception, you can offer the waiting customers a snack or something to drink.

2. Send press releases

Post press releases in local newspapers and on websites about interesting events in your studio or articles about human interests. For example, if you just won a photography competition, you can share the news in a press release. However, be sure to make your press releases interesting to your readers and not openly interested.

3. Support a good deed

You can also consider raising money for charity or contributing to a project that positively affects people’s lives. You will not only feel satisfied, but you will also receive a lot of positive feedback and advertisements for your business.

The more important or relevant the project; the more advertising you use, the more customers you will attract in the long run.

4. Create display photos

You can collect the best photos you’ve ever taken and combine them into an album. While customers wait in your reception area, let them see the photos. Not only will their confidence in your skills increase, but they will also spend more than they expected on your services.

Likewise, you need to set up a large sign in front of your office or studio and show off some of the best photos you’ve ever taken to showcase your skills in front of passing people who previously had no idea what services you have. And when they need to take pictures, your desktop is the first thing on their mind.

5. Cooperation with other companies

Partnering with other businesses in your area is a great way to attract more customers. So leave your business cards and sample albums at hair salons and hair salons. Most likely, people who visit these places will want to photograph their new look.

Do the same in entertainment centers, as people are more likely to want to take photos with new friends they know. Since they don’t know other photographers in the area, you will likely be their choice.

6. Offer discounts

Offering discounts is a good way to attract customers and keep them coming back. For example, you can offer a 30% reduction on the price of the first shot to new customers. Likewise, you can give away one free photo for every five photos taken by repeat customers. This will encourage them to keep checking.

7. Encourage referrals

Word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods. Indeed, prospects reached by satisfied customers will not question your competence.

So you should do everything in your power to encourage your clients to tell other people about your photography service, and it is a good idea to promise them a free chance for every new client they touch. your business.

8. Social networks

People are generally in a funny mood on social media. You can add to their fun by sharing breathtaking photos that will surprise them.

You will need to create profiles on the main social networks ( Facebook and Twitter ). Once you’ve done that, you can start sharing great photos. Over time, your audience will grow and many of your subscribers will hire your services for the long term.

9. Blogging

Blogging is another strategy for building a large following and showcasing your expertise. All you need to do is create a blog, post interesting photos regularly, and encourage engagement. You can also sell your services.

10. Distribute additional copies free of charge

People always appreciate free stuff. You can retain many customers just by adding a free copy or two of your photos.

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