Growing Cat Ears: Biologically Raising Cat Ears in the Vegetable Garden

The cultivation of poppies for cats is neither popular nor common among home gardeners. On the contrary, it is considered a weed in some areas and can grow almost anywhere. But in some areas it is considered a vegetable because all parts of the cat plant are edible.

cat’s ears (Hypochaeris radicatalisten)) is a lowland perennial edible plant often found in lawns. It originated in Europe, but today it can be found in many different places around the world.

It is also known by many other names in different parts of the world. Other names include flat grass, cat’s ear, hairy cat’s ear, and false dandelion.

But most leaves and roots are collected. The roots can be roasted and ground to make a coffee substitute.

Although the leaves have a mild flavor, they can be eaten raw in salads, steamed or used for sautéing. Older leaves can become tough and fibrous, but young leaves are suitable for consumption.

How to start growing cat ears

Growing cat tea is very easy and simple. These plants do not require special care and maintenance to grow. They grow almost everywhere and appear in disturbed areas.

Most people treat kitty litter like a weed and prefer to get rid of it. Although it’s not so bad if there are cat plants nearby. Because all plants can be used as vegetables, especially leaves and roots.

However, if you want to use cat ears as vegetables, keep reading this guide. Here we are discussing more information about growing a cat hive in a vegetable garden.

Land selection and soil preparation

Cat ears generally grow best in sandy or gravelly soil. And the land chosen must have full sun. Cat ears also grow well in lawns, pastures and golf courses.

You can plant cat tea in almost any type of soil. Cat plants don’t need too fertile soil to grow.

They grow very well in normal garden soil. Although adding some organic matter will be beneficial for plant growth.


After preparing the soil, you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. Seeds will germinate faster in a sunny location and moist soil.

Cat plants grow faster and flowers start to appear about a month after dandelions.


For better growth, cat ears do not require special care. They will grow well if discarded after planting.


You can start by collecting the leaves and the roots later. You can pick the leaves by hand or with a sharp knife.

And after harvesting the leaves, keep the cut ends down and make sure they are moistened enough after harvesting.

Cat sugar is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Therefore, it is used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. It is used as a diuretic for kidney problems, as well as in the treatment of urinary tract infections and gallstones. Good luck!


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