Fire safety at work – kitchen area

Workplace fire safety is the responsibility of all workers and they must work together to ensure the safety and protection of their workspace.

It is the responsibility of employers to develop a fire safety plan and to train employees in their responsibilities in the event of a fire. However, workers have a responsibility to take care of the working environment and to ensure that the working environment remains safe and fire-free on a daily basis.

Fire safety experts at Red Truck Fire Safety Co. suggest that kitchens or other office cooking areas are one of the most overlooked and likely sources of kitchen fires. Here’s what they think you can and should do to keep your work kitchen safe.

Adequate fire fighting equipment

This requirement applies to every part of your office, but it can be especially important in the kitchen in particular. Kitchen fires tend to start small, but can build up quickly and cause a lot of damage.

Having a working smoke detector and fire extinguisher that is right for your kitchen environment can go a long way in making your kitchen a lot safer.

Watch food and drinks as they are prepared

The office is first and foremost a working environment, which means that your main task is, of course, your job. However, if you are brewing something or making coffee, make sure you stay in the cooking process.

This way, you can spot the problem early on and prevent it from getting worse. In addition, you will make sure that your food does not burn and you will end up without food.

Take care of the device cords

Kitchen Appliance Cords Manufactured to be durable and withstand many different environments and temperatures.

However, they are not indestructible and over time they can wear out and get damaged. It goes without saying that this is a fire hazard because bare wires and water are not a very good combination.

Replacing existing cords is an inexpensive way to extend the life of your devices. Just be sure to hire a certified electrician to do the job for you.

Clean your devices

Whether you have a full cooker or just a toaster or microwave, there’s a good chance that certain foods will spill over time.

This can be annoying on its own, but over time if it is not removed it can become a fire hazard, especially in toasters and so on.

Remember to remind people to clean up the leak as soon as it occurs. If this does not happen, food debris will build up until it becomes a real fire hazard and causes serious problems.

Teach people to use fire extinguishers

Having fire extinguishers in your office is important and you are required by law; however, it does not make sense to have them in your office if there is no one in the office to use them.

Fire extinguisher training is fairly straightforward and doesn’t take a lot of time, but it makes a lot of difference in an emergency.

Keep the kitchen clean and tidy

Even in the event of an accident and fire, a quick response from you and your colleagues can prevent serious damage.

However, your job will be much more difficult if the kitchen is very crowded. The problem can be exacerbated if there is a lot of flammable material nearby, such as paper towels, kitchen towels and the like.

Cleaning the kitchen is not only a pleasant thing, but also a pleasant thing. It can also be very helpful in protecting yourself from fires, so don’t neglect it.

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