Devon Longhair Sheep: Characteristics, Uses, and Breed Information

The Devon Longhair is a breed of domestic sheep from the United Kingdom. It is also called long hair devonand is bred primarily as a dual-purpose animal.

It was developed by crossing Leicester Longhair sheep with Bampton Knott and Southam Knott. Shag sheep have been available in the Southwest for centuries.

The Devonian Longhair Sheep Breed Association was established in 1977.

Today, the breed is bred primarily in its native region, with some herds also available outside the Southwest. Learn more about this breed of British sheep below.

Characteristics of the Devon Long Haired Sheep

Devonian long-haired sheep are large animals. They are sturdy animals with a characteristic long-haired coat.

They are shorter than other breeds of long-haired sheep, but have a more massive body. They are usually white in color with a white face and legs. And rams and sheep are questioned.

As a large breed, the average live weight of Devon longhair sheep is between 75 and 80 kg. And the average live weight of sexually mature rams ranges from 100 to 110 kg. Photos and information from RBST and Wikipedia.


Devon long haired sheep are dual purpose animals. They are bred for meat production and wool production.

Special Notes

Devonian long-haired sheep are hardy and strong animals. They are able to adapt to almost all types of environmental conditions. They can also do well in most pastures.

They are generally calm and easy to train animals. The sheep are excellent mothers and have very few lambing problems. The lambing percentage of these animals is usually around 150 percent. The lambs are medium sized and grow fast.

Today, the breed is bred for both meat and wool production. Devon longhair sheep fleece is of good quality with a main fiber length of 20-25cm and an average wool production of 7-10kg per year.

The meat of these animals is also of very good quality, and the lambs can be slaughtered at the age of 4 months. Devon long haired sheep not only produce meat and wool but are also used for crossbreeding with other breeds of sheep.

The sheep produce a good, fast growing lamb that will do well if placed with a good end producer. A famous crossbreed is the crossing of a Dorset horn with a Devon and Cornish long haired lamb, producing a sheep that will be an out of season lamb.

However, check out the full profile of this breed in the table below.


Breed namelong hair devon
another namelong hair devon
Purpose of the breedmeat and wool
Special NotesVery beautiful animals, striking appearance, particularly well adapted to local conditions, lambs grow relatively quickly, very hardy and strong animals, can withstand most pastures well, calm, easy to train with a bucket, sheep are excellent mothers , bred both for meat and wool production, also suitable for crossing with other breeds
Breed sizebig
The weightThe live weight of adult sheep ranges from 100-110 kg, and the body weight of adult sheep ranges from 75-80 kg.
climatic tolerancelocal climate
Country/place of originUK
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