
The 6 Best Stock Screeners of 2023

Investors have access to nearly every fundamental criterion you can think of through Stock Rover, as well as an extensive database of company financial statements. That’s why it’s our pick as the best stock screener for buy-and-hold investors.

Stock Rover offers limited technical indicator filters, which wouldn’t make it a good choice for day traders, but you’ll love the robust research and analysis tools offered if you’re a long-term investor with buy-and-hold tendencies. That, coupled with its very reasonable pricing, makes Stock Rover our choice as the best stock screener for buy-and-hold investors.

Stock Rover was founded in 2008 by software engineers who have a passion for investing. They created an advanced web application to simplify how investors can research, select, and track investments. Its platform offers almost 500 screening filters for financial indicators for screening and comparing stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. Users can finetune their results by creating complex equations and combining multiple filters. 

Investors love Stock Rover’s rating system, which scores securities on a scale from 1 to 100 in several categories. These include growth, valuation, efficiency, financial strength, dividends, and momentum. Followers of Warren Buffet will especially like the preset fair market value and margin of safety screeners.

Investors can link Stock Rover to their brokerage account for more robust reporting, portfolio analysis, and portfolio rebalancing recommendations.

Stock Rover offers a free account that’s sufficient to get you started, but you can start with the Essentials plan for $7.99 a month to access more functionality. Essentials provides over 260 financial metrics, five years of historical data, watch list tracking, customizable views, and fast stock screening. The Premium plan adds substantially more features for $17.99 per month, including more financial metrics, 100 charts, and 10 years of historical data. The Premium Plus includes more than 650 financial metrics and top priority email support for $27.99 per month.

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