Successful start-up of a DIY business

Are you interested in starting a DIY business?  here is a complete guide to starting a home based craft business with little money and no experience  .

Ok, so we’ve provided you with a detailed sample business plan for a prime builder template. We also took it a step further by analyzing and writing a sample Handyman Services Marketing Plan, supported by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for DIY businesses. In this article, we’ll cover all the requirements to get started with the wizard. So put on your entrepreneur hat and let’s move on.

What is a DIY business?

A handyman business is a business that provides a wide range of services required for the maintenance of buildings and property. The services provided by the craftsman include plumbing, electrical installation, carpentry, painting, heating and air conditioning services, as well as other building and property maintenance and repair services.

Recently, the craft trade has become more and more popular and this is due to the fact that people are getting creative by making money and developing new business ideas so that they can make a living. The creation of this business also happened as a result of the loss of their jobs and the increase in the number of people wanting to start their own businesses.

Why start a DIY business?

This business has also become popular because people are busy at work and in the family every day and don’t have time to do the odd jobs that need to be done around the home and on their property. Therefore, they need help doing this little job.

A business owner is one that almost anyone can create. It’s not just men who are found in this industry, there are also a lot of women who are in business and they are very talented. If you are well versed in property / property management or don’t have such experience, this is a business to be done easily.

What does it take to start a DIY business?

In order to start your handyman business, you need to be familiar with different types of professions as this is an important factor that can get you a job. To be successful in business, you need to do your best not to reject assignments from clients, as some assignments may seem too small for you to take on. Doing small jobs is what often paves the way for you as a handyman with your customers. When they have big jobs, they’ll remember you and call you to do their big plans.

If you are just starting out, you can start with simple, basic jobs, and from there you can grow your business as you progress. Indeed, while some craft businesses simply have the technical knowledge to solve simple and basic tasks, the DIY business can be developed to the point that it can handle more complex tasks. This is a factor that can allow your business to grow and develop because a client can trust you to do almost any job at their home and on their lot.

Getting started with a successful Jack of All Trades Guide

  • Industry overview

The cottage industry has been negatively affected by the collapse of the housing market. This led to low demand for services in the industry, and when the demand for minor home repairs and maintenance increased, the drop in income was moderate. The industry has now benefited from an accelerated domestic market and increased household income.

  • Interesting statistics on the cottage industry

The industry grew following the switch from DIY to DIFM in the late 1980s. This was because time was becoming more precious to future generations than money. In the mid-90s, DIY businesses began to emerge to serve people who didn’t have time to fix minor issues in their homes.

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In 2003, the DIY industry became one of the most dynamic. are expanding in the United States and the industry continues to expand. This sector is a resource for a growing number of aging owners as well as a source of business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The industry will continue to grow for five years until 2021 thanks to the support it will receive from the accelerated housing market. Housing prices are also rising, and increased sales of existing homes will help stimulate demand for home improvement and renovation projects and real estate. The sector employs around 9,180 people, and the industry has an annual growth rate of 3.5% between 2009 and 2014, and the industry has revenues of $ 1 billion.

There is a growing need for home improvement and beautification, which is robust due to the emergence of vacation homes, second homes, commercial real estate and rental housing. In addition, the increase in the number of seniors who wish to continue living at home is a growth factor for the industry and for young families with school-aged children who choose to renovate and remodel their homes instead of relocating. looking for new homes on the real estate market with its at a price.

This industry will continue to thrive over the next decade, particularly if the company’s entrepreneur is committed to providing quality, reliable work to clients in the home improvement and real estate services they provide. The market is extremely unsaturated and there is room for growth as the industry develops and matures. The good news for entrepreneurs in this industry is that there is an estimate of the cottage industry’s continued annual growth at 20 percent.

Start of market research on commercial technologies and feasibility studies

  • Demography and psychography

The demographic and psychographic makeup of those in need of entrepreneurial services extends to homeowners, vacation homes, apartment rentals, business owners, working young adults, and the elderly.

Here is a list of people who need the services of a handyman company.

  • Private homes
  • Vacation home
  • Unit rental
  • Commercial property

List of DIY niche business ideas you can specialize in

When starting a DIY business, there are different niches that an entrepreneur can specialize in. By specializing, you position yourself as an expert in this niche, and when clients want a particular job done at home, they prefer to outsource it to a specialist in the field. They don’t like the idea of ​​giving a job at home to a handyman who will still try to figure it out; they need an expert who does the job once and for all.

You can choose a niche in the craft business and promote the service. By promoting the service, you will become an expert in this niche and customers will want to know about other services you offer in your shop. Here are some niches that a master entrepreneur can specialize in:

  • TV wall mount
  • kitchen renovation
  • bathroom renovation
  • Attic for insulation
  • Bridge repair
  • Door installation
  • Floor renovation
  • Fence repair
  • Repair of gutters
  • interior and exterior painting
  • repair and maintenance of yard and power tools
  • renovation of the shower and shower niche
  • wall repair
  • Plumbing and installation
  • Construction and gardening services

Level of competition in the cottage industry

There is an enabling environment for the growth of the cottage industry and therefore survival in the industry will require you to leverage your existing knowledge about the services you provide to your customers and broaden your skill base to be able to compete profitably. – DIY enthusiasts, and they use the services of an existing franchise in their business to increase their competitive advantage and expand their position in the industry.

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The company’s ability to provide quality service to its customers at affordable prices will also be a factor that will make a difference in the industry. Thus, the company will be able to retain existing customers and get more business with new customers. Competition in the cottage industry shows that there is a market for services for artisans.

As long as you are ready to run a high quality business, you will have your market share as some existing artisans take their customers for granted and offer them poor service. This gives you, as a newbie in business, the opportunity to step in and dominate if you are ready to provide quality service to your customer.

List of famous brands of the cottage industry

There are many master societies out there, but there are a few that are worth mentioning when you talk about master societies. These master companies include the following:

    • Family doctor service
    • Tony’s Heating Appliance Repair
    • Handyman connection
    • Economic law handyman
    • Roof and gutters 4 seasons
    • 4 Square Home improvement and renovation
    • Blue Restoration Group LLC
    • Portable list of practical services


  • Control List
  • The great American handyman
  • Turn2us Handyman Services
  • Chad, the jack-of-all-trades
  • Above and beyond
  • Absolute extermination services
  • Home services for handymen
  • Handyman Questions

Economic analysis

Starting a business isn’t just about finding and furnishing a fancy office space. You also need to take care of how to attract customers for your business and how to get existing customers to come back to your business.

On average, starting and running a craft business can be profitable. This is especially true when your team has highly skilled, highly skilled and experienced employees. With the quality of the work they do for your clients, you will be able to retain your clients, and the good work of your business will be heard well, as clients will tend to recommend your services to their families. and friends someday. You can do a good job in their homes and facilities.

Does a DIY business have to start from scratch or is it better to buy a franchise?

When starting your own business, do you have to think about what is best for your business, starting from scratch or becoming part of an existing network? If you intend to start a business from scratch, you will be able to control all aspects of your business and create a brand that can be passed on to your children or sold as a franchise in the future. Starting from scratch can be invigorating but tiring.

On the flip side, if you’re more interested in making money and being part of an established network, your best bet is to buy a franchise from a successful craft business. This gives you, as an entrepreneur, the chance to be part of a community which can be useful but limiting in some ways.

Threats and potential challenges you’ll face when starting a DIY business

In the cottage industry, start-ups and established businesses are exposed to threats and challenges posed by the global economic downturn, government policies and other natural disasters that can impact costs that will affect the industry. .

There is also a threat to new craft businesses facing the challenge of competing with established businesses located where their activity is widely represented.

Start a DIY legal business

  • Best legal entity to use for craft business

The legal entity you choose for your craft business will determine the size of your business. There are several things to consider before making your choice. You should also consider speaking with an accountant and lawyer before making a decision, as there are different laws for business in different states, whatever decision you make will affect your personal liability, the amount of l ‘tax. that you pay, how much money can you borrow, etc.

You can choose from different business entities. These include Sole Proprietorships, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), Partnerships, Corporations, and S Corporations. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the right one for your situation.

If you are just starting your handyman business, a sole proprietorship and LLC is the best entity you should consider for a business. Sole proprietorship is easy to set up and gives you full control over your business.

Choosing an LLC gives you the benefits of both the corporation and the sole proprietorship. This legal entity protects the business owner from confiscation of his personal property in the event that the business becomes indebted. You can start your handyman business as an LLC and then convert to a corporation or S corporation in the future when you plan to enter the market. This will allow you to compete with the major players in the industry.

Catchy trade name ideas suitable for craft businesses

There are many factors to consider in the name of your craft business, which should also be mentioned on the back. you think that many of the names you are considering for your business may have already been chosen by other craft businesses that are already in the business. Also, keep in mind that the name you ultimately choose for your business will define your business and your brand.

Below is a list of catchy business name ideas for you to choose from for your craft:

  • The handyman will repair it
  • Professional handyman
  • Mr Fix It
  • Home maintenance services
  • Repair all handymen
  • Revision services
  • Home renovation services
  • Handyman service
  • Call me to fix it
  • Smart pro handyman
  • The practical bug
  • Professional handyman

The best insurance needed for a craft business

In most cases, you cannot run a business unless you have the basic insurance policies required by the industry in which you want to work. In the business of master mercenaries, you do all kinds of work, with the result that you run great risks. Having handyman insurance protects you against property damage and bodily injury issues that can lead to fines and lawsuits where appropriate.

Plus, not having the DIY insurance you need can put you out of business if something goes wrong with your job. Take your time to create an insurance budget or contact an insurance broker to guide you in choosing the best insurance policies for your business. They will help you assess the risks associated with your business and advise you accordingly.

Here is the basic insurance coverage you will need if you are planning to start your own DIY business:

  • Business owner policy
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Risk insurance
  • Workers’ compensation insurance

Protection of intellectual property and trademarks

Consider filing for intellectual property protection if you are considering starting a craft business. When you seek intellectual property protection, it goes beyond protecting your company’s documents and logo; it can also protect your company name and software applications.

To apply for intellectual property protection and registration of your trademark, you must begin the process by filing your application with the USPTO. Obtaining final approval for your trademark is then subject to legal review, which is a mandatory requirement of the USPTO.

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Do i need professional certification to start a handyman business?

To be able to offer a full range of services, you should consider obtaining certification from some of the regulatory bodies. The more relevant certification you hold, the more you will be able to carry out multiple assignments in various aspects of the master’s business.

Here are the certifications you should consider for yourself and your staff:

  • ACHP certification
  • Certified quality assurance for diamond processing
  • Certification of local small businesses

List of legal documents you need to run a craft business

The cottage industry is highly regulated and therefore you must comply with legal requirements as stipulated by the constitution of your country. To successfully run a handyman business, below is a list of the main legal documents you need to complete:

  • Registration certificate
  • Business license
  • Business plan
  • Non-disclosure agreement
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • Employment contract (letters with proposals)
  • Operating agreement
  • Company charter
  • Insurance policy
  • Local building permits
  • VAT certificate
  • Entrepreneur’s license
  • Federal tax identification

Writing a business plan for a DIY company

If you are looking to start a business master, one of the first steps to take is to develop a well-written business plan. You can hire an expert to help you draft your project. To run your business successfully, your business plan is what you need. A business plan reduces the risk of trial and error in running a business, and you know what to do for the business in terms of managing business growth and expansion.

The business plan serves as a detailed guide for the company; it explains how to effectively run a business from scratch. The strategies you will use to manage and grow your business should be presented in a plan. Be realistic in calculating your income and profit, as it is safer to underestimate than to be frustrated with reality.

Below are the main areas to consider when writing a business plan. :

Company CV and Descriptions  : This is where you should write about your business concept, company description, mission and vision statements, as well as information about the location of the company and if you are planning to sell a franchise or open outlets in different countries.

The business plan should include a SWOT analysis that will provide information that will help your business align its resources and capabilities with the competitive environment in which it operates. his company.

Other important components of a business plan should include product and service offering, competitive analysis, target market, market objectives, marketing and sales analysis / strategies, publication promotion and promotion strategies, cost and financial forecasts, expansion and growth strategies, start-up budget generation.

Detailed cost analysis for starting a DIY business

You will need to incur several costs to successfully start your DIY business. Where you will be setting up your business will also affect the overall cost of starting a business, so it is important that you prepare an appropriate feasibility study and market overview before setting the budget and sources of capital for. start a business.

Here are the top expenses you will need to incur to start a DIY business:

  • The total fee for registering a business in the United States of America is $ 750.
  • Commercial license – $ 100 to $ 400
  • License fee $ 4000
  • Mailbox rent $ 125-250
  • The amount required to rent an office space is $ 50,000.
  • Business cards $ 20 – $ 80
  • Software $ 0 – $ 250
  • Tools – $ 0 – $ 500
  • Logo design $ 0- $ 500
  • General work insurance $ 1,000
  • Form $ 100 – $ 350.
  • Cost of launching the official site: $ 700.
  • Advertising from 0 to 500 USD.
  • Miscellaneous: USD 1,000.
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… To explore, you can set up a small DIY workshop for  $ 2000  if you have tools.

For an average beginner If you decide to start a large artisan business, you need to spend up to  $ 1 million. dollars  and more.

  • Finance your DIY business

If you want to start your handyman business in a small business, you don’t need a lot of capital to get it up and running. On the other hand, if you are planning to start a large-scale business, you need a lot of capital to start a business. You will need to raise some of the capital needed to start a business, as you may not be able to raise all of the money on your own.

To start your full-scale DIY business, you will need to secure office space, furniture, equipment, capital for supplies, and capital to pay employee salaries for about 3 months. You can finance your business in the following ways:

  • Raising capital through personal savings, owning and selling personal stocks
  • Bank loan request
  • Raising capital from investors and business partners.
  • Showcase your business idea and apply for funding from angel investors and donor organizations
  • Find sources of loans from friends and family.
  • Using credit card money
  • Receive a cash advance against credit card income
  • Through grants and subsidies
  • Raise money with venture capital

Choosing a location for your DIY business

The right location is important for the growth and survival of a business, so are you when starting a DIY business. You can use the services of a consultant to decide on the location of your handyman business. Placing your office in the wrong location can have a negative impact on your business hence you have a hard time making ends meet which could result in the eventual closure of your business.

However, if you manage to build a successful artisan brand, you can destroy your business anywhere in the world and be successful. bankrupt. As a new business, be sure to locate your business in an area with healthy business operations.

The following factors should be taken into account when choosing a location for your DIY business.

  • Working style
  • demography
  • Pedestrian traffic volume
  • Competition
  • Proximity to other shops and services
  • Seat availability
  • Parking for your customers
  • Traffic and safety
  • Build an infrastructure in terms of requirements to meet the high technological needs of modern businesses

First steps with a technical handyman business specialist

If you want to start a DIY business, you need to be prepared to invest in purchasing business software and investing in purchasing tools. In the beginning, you can acquire the tools that you really need, and over time as the business begins to grow, you can purchase other tools that your business needs.

To get office space, you can first start a primary business from your home, rent or lease office space depending on the size of your business. If you have enough capital, you should consider renting office space as this will allow you to work with long term planning.

To start a handyman business, you can start the business as a single staff member, and if you need to hire additional hands, you can pay them for each project, rather than a fixed salary. If you hire staff, it will depend on your financial situation. To work with you, you will need a president or CEO, a role you can fill as a business owner, human resources, administrator, accountant, front desk clerk, and three other technicians.

On average, you can run an average business with an average of 8 key employees. When this situation arises, you may need to hire experts to help you solve problems that you and your other professionals are unfamiliar with. You can also partner with other craft companies so that you can work in areas in which you are not specialized. For example, if you specialize in general maintenance and home improvement and have a client looking for attic insulation work, all you need to do is reach out to your partners to help you get the job done.

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Service process involved in the cottage industry

The service process involved in the cottage industry depends on the niche the business enters. The service process is initiated by a customer calling to request the services you provide, depending on the niche you work in that industry. Once you’ve agreed to do the job, you can submit a proposal to the client if you know what service they need, or you submit a proposal after evaluating the work done on site.

After you complete the work, you can expect the customer to pay for the service rendered. Additionally, it is a practice for craft businesses to check the amount of work to be done before giving a quote to a client who needs their services.

Getting Started Assistant Marketing Plan

  • Marketing ideas and strategies for DIY enthusiasts

The handyman must sell his services and advertise to attract customers. A combination of online and traditional marketing strategies will help your business gain visibility and develop the desired growth. The following platforms can be used to market your DIY business to potential customers:

  • Advertising on your business website or in magazine ads
  • Provide social media updates on your DIY business
  • Tell local media to talk about your workshop.
  • Design and print inexpensive business cards, flyers and items that you can hand out with information about your business
  • Send press releases about your business
  • Create special incentives for your first customers to spread the word about your DIY business
  • Create a business brochure to show customers
  • Listing your pawnshop on local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertising on radio and television stations
  • Print important signage to advertise your business while working on other properties and ask your clients if you can leave it in their yard for 1 or 2 days after you finish your work
  • Put a sign on your computer Any vehicle as a form of mobile advertising
  • Network by attending local events and other activities that allow you to meet and introduce people.
  • Join the Association of Certified Craftsmen to gain access to employment opportunities and marketing resources in your community

Possible competitive strategies to win over your competitors

It can be quite difficult to compete with existing parent companies that are already in operation. Therefore, take your time choosing the type of people who will be part of your management team to be sure that they will help you take your business to the next level.

Research your competitors in the cottage industry and also compare your business ideas to theirs. Find out their strengths and weaknesses and compare them to yours to see if you can use your strengths and weaknesses. If your customers receive better service from another primary business, they will no longer be frequented by your business, so be sure to offer services they can’t refuse.

You can also associate with an existing master. companies in the sector to gain an advantage over their competitors. This way you will be able to position your business to attract more customers to do business.

Possible ways to increase customer loyalty for the DIY business

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No matter what type of business you are in, customer satisfaction is an important aspect of business because it will help you retain customers for your business. Satisfying your customers with the level of service you provide them will keep them coming back and generate more profit for your business when they spread the news of the good service you have given them.

If, on the other hand, your customers have a bad experience with you, they will transfer your business to your competition and the business that might otherwise be yours will be transferred to them. This is why poor customer service is the number one reason a business loses customers. When you improve the quality of the services provided, it will increase your customer base.

In the cottage industry, having good customer relationship management practices is essential to retain your customers. You can achieve this by purchasing good software for your business that will help you keep track of all aspects of your business and keep track of your customer as well. With this software, relevant information about your business and customers is always at your fingertips, and you can use it to keep in touch with them on important occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.

Strategies to increase your brand awareness and create a corporate identity

The type of clients you have worked for in the past are important to your company’s branding. Speak to a consultant who can help you develop an advertising and advertising strategy that can target your target market. Make sure your brand is visible and make sure the lines of communication are clear.

The platforms that can be used for brand awareness are as follows:

  • Promote your business on websites and magazines
  • Place your business in local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertising on satellite TV channels and radio stations
  • Direct marketing advertising
  • Take advantage of social media ads like Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube
  • By promoting your company’s cars and T-shirts

Build a supplier / distribution network

There is room on the web for those in the industry; this can be done by joining existing artisan associations in your community. You can join the Association of Certified Crafts Professionals. Alternatively, you can consider forming an alliance with other handyman companies in the business. By doing this, you can learn from each other and share valuable information with each other in business.

Tips for running a successful DIY business

The success of most businesses lies in the ability to ensure that all employees are working according to the vision and mission of the company. The CEO is the driving force of the company and is responsible for guiding employees to work in accordance with the goals and objectives of the organization.

Staff meetings should be an important aspect of the business and should be held regularly to keep the CEO up to date with what is happening in the business. Feedback should also be obtained from these meetings, as they are synonymous with business success.

From time to time, a review should be performed to determine whether staff members are following the company’s standard operating procedure, and the results can then be used to correct any errors found.

Finally, train your employees to help them quickly assume their responsibilities; praise and encourage them to motivate, reward people who work hard to encourage healthy competition, and listen to encourage staff to open up to you.

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