Raising Pigs: How to Raise Pigs (Beginner’s Guide)

Pig farming is a very profitable profession and activity. You should know more about raising pigs, whether you plan to sell meat or want to keep pigs as pets.

Pigs are highly valued primarily for their meat. They are valuable animals for meat and manure.

Today, most consumers are more aware of where their products come from.

And most consumers prefer to buy food from small or local producers rather than large commercial farms.

This is happening today mainly due to the growth of the organic food movement.

However, if you initially want to start a small-scale pig farm, you need to know more about raising and caring for pigs.

Because proper care and management can ensure maximum performance.

Pig Breeding Guide

Raising pigs is very easy and simple. But it is related to some general tasks. Here we will tell you more about raising pigs.

construction pigsty

First, you need to craft a pig pen. A dry and safe place will be very good for your pigs (this will protect the animals from the weather and provide enough space to move around).

In fact, pigs require less space than other farm animals. Some pig farmers claim that only about 20 square feet of space is needed for an adult pig.

But we recommend a little more space to raise pigs in healthy conditions.

40 to 50 square feet of space per adult pig will be sufficient for healthy growth.

When considering building a pig pen, remember that it is best if the length of the pen is twice its width. If you do this, your pigs will feel comfortable.

Pigsty fence

Build/install a strong metal fence around the pen to keep your pigs safe inside.

You can use a strong enough woven fence with a board underneath to discourage digging.

Before installing the fence, mark off the area where you will keep the pigs, then build a sturdy wooden fence around the area.

You can attach the 4X2 welding wire when your fence is built (inside the fence).

This ensures that your pigs won’t go anywhere if they push them. A movable electric fence is also a good option for keeping pigs indoors.

You can use a moveable electric fence for other parts of the farm or land (and you’re cordoned in and out of the corral).

Consider a mud pit

Consider giving your pigs a mud trap as pigs love mud.

A puddle of mud is like a swimming pool for your piggies and helps keep their body temperature down.

Mud also helps pigs reduce their risk of lice infestation, which ultimately helps keep their skin in good condition.

Buy piglets

Once everything is set up, you can buy piglets. In fact, pigs thrive best in warm weather.

You can start your pig farming project in early spring or late summer (when the piglets are at their best).

During this period, a piglet weighing only 50 pounds can reach 250 pounds. They reach marketing weight in about 100 days.

You should choose and buy a quality, healthy pig from a good breeder, whether you raise pigs for meat or as pets. Try to avoid coughing or itchy animals.

Bring home the pigs

After selecting and buying pigs, take them home and immediately do basic care.

Make sure they get enough water right after you bring them home, as pigs usually drink a lot of water daily.

On average, a pig drinks between 7 and 15 liters of water, depending on its size.

Pig feed

Pigs love to eat and eat a lot of food every day. You can use premixed (commercial) pig feed to provide your pigs with a well-balanced diet.

Feed for growing pigs should contain 16% protein, and this can be reduced as they grow.

A growing pig can gain about 0.45 kg of body weight per day under good and balanced feeding conditions.

You can also feed your pigs with leftover food. In addition to their regular feed, you can give them as pruning toppings.

You can also give them vegetables, meat trimmings, fruits, garden trimmings, and even spoiled eggs.

Just make sure that “you don’t just feed your pigs junk”.

Health products

Monitor your pig’s health regularly. You should always protect your pigs against internal parasites.

Please consult your veterinarian for more specific recommendations. You should also deworm the pigs every 4-6 weeks.


If you raise pigs to make money, you can sell your pigs when they reach slaughter age.

You can sell your pigs when they reach a live weight of 90 to 115 kg (200 to 250 pounds).

Pigs are really popular in the market due to their size and health status.


Some tips and precautions when keeping pigs

  • Pigs can sometimes be dangerous, so be aware of that before you start raising pigs.
  • Keep the mud pool separate and don’t let piglets into the adult hutch (because adult pigs are usually not careful and can even injure or kill small pigs).
  • Never feed raw meat to pigs.
  • Make a strong fence around the handle.
  • Never buy piglets that are too young, piglets must be at least 6 weeks old.
  • Use only pesticides approved for lice and mites.
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