Ostrich Farm: Startup Business Plan for Beginners

Industrial ostrich farming is a profitable business. But it is not as popular as duck, chicken, dove, quail or other poultry. This is a relatively new, but very profitable agribusiness.

The ostrich is the largest living bird in the world. Males reach an average height of around 2.4 meters and can weigh over 100 kg. But the females/hens are slightly smaller than the males.

Ostriches cannot fly. Their large size, but lesser wind force makes them unable to fly. Usually, ostriches have a long neck, long bare legs and two toes. The muscles of the neck and hips are well developed, without feathers.

Ostriches have long, strong legs and are the fastest birds. If necessary, they can run up to 70 kilometers per hour in steps of up to 8 meters.

At present, the industrial production of ostriches has begun in many countries of the world. The first commercial ostrich farm was established in South Africa around 1860, primarily to collect feathers.

And commercial ostrich farms began to gradually spread to other countries around the world. In particular, Australia, Egypt, New Zealand, Argentina and the United States have started industrial ostrich farming.

The total number of commercially farmed ostriches exceeded 1913 million in year 1. But the market for ostrich feathers collapsed and the total number of commercial ostrich farms declined significantly after the First and Second World Wars.

The industry then managed to survive on a much smaller scale in South Africa. Since then, the commercial production of not only their feathers, but also their meat and skins has steadily increased.

South Africa alone exported a record 90,000 ostrich skins to the United States in 1986-86. And after XNUMX, the shortage of ostrich skin caused prices to rise.

And this made commercial ostrich farming a profitable business, and a number of farms were established in Europe and more in the United States. [1]

Today, commercial ostrich farming is gradually developing as a profitable business. You can start this business if you have enough money and want to produce something different on your farm.

Ostrich use

Ostriches are used for a wide variety of purposes. In fact, they are versatile birds. Previously, they were mainly used for making feathers, but now they are used to make meat, eggs, and also leather. The main use of ostriches:

  • Feathers: Ostrich feathers are extremely durable and valuable. You can start collecting feathers when the bird reaches a weight of about 60 kg or more. Ostrich ink is used to make cleaning rags, hats and home decorations.
  • Meat: Ostrich meat is very nutritious and usually sells for a high price. Meat is lower in fat, calories and cholesterol. It is a good source of protein and iron.
  • Eggs: Eggs, like ostriches, are large. The eggs are about 6 inches long, 5 inches wide and weigh about 2 kg. A female bird can lay about 15-45 eggs per season. Eggs are rich in protein. One ostrich egg is equivalent to 25 chicken eggs. The eggshell can be used as a water container, cup and vase. Also, beads for necklaces are made from eggshells. Most producers don’t eat eggs. Instead, they let the eggs hatch.
  • Leather: Ostrich skin is thick, soft and durable. It is of very good quality and is used to make clothes, shoes, carpets, bags, etc.

Benefits of an Ostrich Farm

You ask, why should I engage in ostrich farming? Well, this is a relatively new and profitable business idea.

There are many advantages/benefits to starting this business. Here we try to describe the main advantages of an ostrich trading business.

  • Commercial ostrich farming is certainly a profitable business. Many people have already started this for-profit business.
  • Ostriches are very hardy and adapt to different climatic conditions.
  • Generally, they require less maintenance and the maintenance process is very simple.
  • These birds have fewer diseases and other health problems.
  • Commercial production will require large investments. But the return on investment is relatively good and you will soon be reimbursed.
  • Ostriches eat a variety of foods. You can give them readily available foods.
  • The demand for ostrich products is growing. The price of the products is also very high.
  • The industrial production of ostriches can be a very good business. This can be a good source of employment, especially for educated unemployed youth.
  • If you’re looking to indulge in eggs and ostrich meat, then making your own meal can be a great way to go.

How to Start an Ostrich Farming Business

Starting commercial ostrich farming is not easy. It requires knowledge and a lot of investment compared to other poultry activities.

Therefore, we recommend that you get practical knowledge or training before starting this business for commercial purposes. Try to get training from an existing farmer or any governmental or non-governmental institution.

Here we try to outline more information on how to start and run a successful ostrich farming business, from buying birds to caring and marketing.

Complete training

As a first step, we will recommend that you take a short/full course in ostrich breeding and management. Without proper training, you will not be able to breed these birds successfully. And it will be very good if you can practically learn from an existing farmer.

Choose a good place

Choosing a good location is very important for starting commercial ostrich farming. It will be better if the selected area is free from all kinds of noise and pollution.

Try to avoid residential areas. Provide a good source of clean, fresh water in the area of ​​your choice. Also provide a good transportation system.

Choose the right breed

In fact, 5 different types or subspecies of ostriches are known. Choose any type based on availability in your area.

  1. Arabian ostrich (also known as the Middle Eastern ostrich)
  2. Black-necked ostrich (also called Southern or Cape ostrich)
  3. Blue-necked ostrich (also called Somali ostrich)
  4. Maasai ostrich (also called Kenyan red ostrich)
  5. Red-necked ostrich (also called North African ostrich)

Housing / Shelter

Establishing a good shelter/housing system is essential for commercial ostrich farming. Ostriches are large birds and can tolerate almost all types of weather and environmental conditions.

The size of the house will vary depending on the number of birds. Typically, each adult bird needs 60 to 80 square feet of living space.

Ostriches are large birds. Thus, the house must be high enough so that the birds can easily lodge there. The average size of adult birds is around 7 to 8 feet. Thus, the house should be 10 to 12 feet high.

Ostriches prefer sandy places to live. You can add sand to your house. To build a house, choose a quiet place, free from noise and pollution.

Always try to keep the house clean. And make sure the house is very comfortable.


It will be very effective to make a fence around the farm. A good fence will help keep birds indoors and prevent them from escaping and leaving the farm.

A good fencing system will also help protect your farm from predators and pests. It will also prevent unwanted people from entering your farm. Wire mesh is a good fencing option.

some products

Feeding the birds very high quality and nutritious food is the most important part of a commercial ostrich farm. Because good nutrition not only helps birds stay healthy, but also grows better and produces more.

Ostriches usually eat plants, grass, fruits, leaves, flowers, grains, etc. Sometimes they also eat insects.

For industrial farming of ostriches, they can be fed ready-to-use poultry feed. A healthy and balanced diet should contain:

  • 20-24% crude protein
  • 12-19% crude fiber
  • 1.2 to 2% calcium
  • 0.6-1.1% phosphorus
  • 10,000-15,000 IU/kg vitamin A
  • 1,500-2,500 IU/kg vitamin D

Add 2.8% calcium to feed during the breeding season. Also give the birds enough greenery, vegetables and herbs.

Ostriches are large birds, so they will drink plenty of water daily. Make sure they have enough water to meet their needs.


Like many other poultry, ostriches are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily if you maintain a good male to female ratio on the farm.

Usually, ostriches reach maturity when they are 2 to 4 years old. Females usually reach maturity about 6 months earlier than males.

The breeding season begins in March or April and continues until September. Although this time may vary depending on weather conditions.

Usually one male is enough for breeding 2-7 females. During mating, birds make a special sound.

Males spread their wings to attract females. If the male succeeds in impressing the female, he will go to a quiet place and mate.

The males will make a hole 30-60 cm deep and the females will lay their eggs there. A hen can lay 15 to 45 eggs per season.

After laying all the eggs, both males and females incubate the eggs (one after another during the day and night). Typically, the eggs take 35-45 days to hatch.

The males take care of the chicks and teach them everything. The survival rate of ostrich chicks is very low. Although, with proper care, this figure can be increased.


Ostriches are very strong and hardy birds. They generally require less maintenance and different management.

Although the extra care will help the birds grow better and produce more. So try to take good care of them.

Get them vaccinated in a timely manner and always try to maintain good contact with the veterinarian in your area. Never give them contaminated food or contaminated water.


Gradually, ostrich products are gaining popularity. Although it is not so easy to sell all the products in the local market. Thus, you need to establish your marketing strategies before starting this business.

These are the general steps and ways to successfully start and run an ostrich farming business. I hope this guide has helped you! Good luck and God bless you!


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