Lamancha goats: characteristics, feeding, breeding

La Mancha goats are officially known as a dairy goat breed. They are well known around the world mainly due to their high milk production and relatively high milk fat content.

LaMancha goats belong to the genus Capra, like all other domestic goats. They were first raised in Oregon by Mrs. Yula Faye Frey. La Mancha goats are easily recognized by their very short ears.

It is perhaps the most distinctive breed of goat. In the early 1950s, La Mancha short-eared goats were first recognized as a separate breed.

Lamancha goats are the only breed of goat raised in the United States. They are older breeds of dairy goats and are very popular for milk production in the United States. They are very popular mainly due to their ability to adapt to different conditions and circumstances.

Their milk is rich in fat and other essential nutrients. Lamanchas are also very suitable for keeping goats as pets. They have an excellent temperament and are also exhibited for entertainment purposes.

Physical Characteristics of La Mancha Goats

La Mancha goats have many traits and characteristics that differentiate them from other dairy goats. The characteristics of the breed of La Mancha goats are described below.

  • Lamancha goats are available in a wide variety of colors. In fact, they can be any color.
  • Male Lamanchas reach a height of around 30 inches or more at the shoulder and around 28 inches.
  • Typically, a La Mancha deer weighs around 165 pounds or more, and a female weighs around 130 pounds.
  • The body of La Mancha goats is covered with a fine, shiny coat and their muzzle is straight.
  • They are generally diurnal and browse on small bushes, fresh vegetables, grasses and trees.
  • The most special feature of La Mancha goats is their ears. They come in two types, depending on their ears. One with gopher ears and the other with elf ears. Their ears are usually folds of wrinkled skin near their head. Gopher ears are shorter (no more than an inch). And the elf ears are about two inches long. Elves have more cartilage than gophers. Types of ears point up or down at the ends (these two varieties of goat).
  • La Mancha goats are very hardy animals. They can withstand a lot of adversity (for example, harsh topographical factors and harsh climatic conditions). And they like to live in groups.
  • LaMancha babies have 6 lower incisors (when the babies are born). They have a full set of baby teeth, consisting of 24 molars and 6 lower incisors, 4 weeks after birth. Their upper jaw has bony plates that rub against the lower jaw (but there are no baby teeth). Like other animals, La Mancha babies also start following their mothers from birth. They become independent and start walking on their own about 10 months after birth. Young Lamancha goats reach sexual maturity at 6 months of age.


Lamancha goats are well-mannered, they have a good temperament and a calm temperament. They are also very suitable for keeping as pets. They are quite reliable dairy goat breeds due to their moderate temperament and easy adaptability.


The breeding season for La Mancha goats is in fall or winter. The female Lamancha hunts 1-2 days every 21 days. And it’s the right time to reproduce. After successful mating and fertilization, the gestation period is about 155 days.

During this period, they really require special care and management. La Mancha goats are usually born as twins or triplets. Males also need special care for good health and better reproduction.

milk production

As we said above, La Mancha goats are very productive dairy goat breeds. On average, a La Mancha female can produce around 3 liters of milk per day over a 10 month lactation period.

They are essential dairy goats and can be milked continuously for up to 2 years without needing to breed.

Milk from La Mancha goats contains about 3.1% protein and about 3.9% fat. In a nutshell, they are excellent as dairy goats and very suitable for commercial dairy goat keeping.

Special Notes

La Mancha goats are excellent dairy goats. It is one of the best dairy goats. They produce a lot of milk and their milk contains more protein, minerals, vitamins and less cholesterol than cow’s milk. In terms of fat, their milk is much higher than that of Swiss goats.

Milk from La Mancha goats is easily digestible and suitable for people of all ages. They are very friendly and calm in nature, so you can easily grow a few Lamanchas for your own fresh milk production. They are intelligent and quite intelligent like other goats. They are good escape artists.

They are also vulnerable to predators such as foxes, mobsters, cougars, and eagles.

Therefore, you must build a strong fence around your property if you intend to keep them for milk production or as pets.

However, check out the full breed profile of the La Mancha goat in the table below.

Breed namelamancha
another nameAmerican goats from La Mancha
Purpose of the breedMilk, Meat
Breed sizemedium to large
DollarAbout 75kg
doeAbout 59kg
hornsWell no
climatic toleranceAll climates
coat colorA lot of
Suitable for Stall FedNot sure
Country/place of originUNITED STATES
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