Organically grow your backyard chicken

Do you want to grow your chicken organically in your garden? here are 7 steps to start an organic poultry farm (egg production) right from your home.

Have you recently been to a supermarket or grocery store? Have you noticed how many chicken and chicken products like eggs have you seen? What about restaurants and fast food outlets? Have you noticed that at least one person ate with cooked chicken or eggs in plates ? Yes, many people eat chicken and eggs, and it all has to do with the essential nutrients that these two world famous foods provide to the body.

Eggs are a great source of protein and are rich in minerals, vitamins, and iron. They also contain nutrients that help prevent disease. Some of these nutrients include carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and lutein. Plus, eggs are great for weight watchers because of their low calorie and fat content.

Chicken is also a very good source of animal protein and is the best substitute for red meat, especially chicken breasts and when the chicken is eaten skinless. Chicken is carbohydrate-free, a type of food that health conscious people tend to eat less. Chickens are also very good at providing vitamins and minerals to the body.

What you need to know about raising commercial organic chicken

Many people are concerned or interested in healthy eating. This is because so many illnesses and illnesses have been linked to the type of food we eat. It is believed that many diseases and conditions can be prevented or even cured just by improving our diet. Caring for and caring for what they eat goes beyond the food itself; it now includes information on how crops or animals were raised, processed, packaged and processed before they reached the consumer.

Organic chicken is considered healthier meat. It is believed that inorganic chickens are exposed to large amounts of toxins through diet and medication and end up transporting these toxins into the human body when eaten. use.

What is organic poultry farming?

Organic poultry is sometimes referred to as a free-range poultry system. This means that your chicks should be fed clean from the day they hatch. No synthetic or artificial means of feeding, processing or reproduction are introduced. Before chicks can be certified organic, they must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Nutrition -: feed strictly on grasses, cereals and other insects found on the ground. They are not given any synthetic or special food.
  • Traffic -: organic chicks are not confined to the same space as inorganic chicks; they are allowed to roam and graze in pastures, although there should be a shelter where they can lie down at the end of the day and protect them from the elements.
  • Antibiotics -. Although antibiotics are given to chickens to prevent disease and weight gain, organic chickens should not be given antibiotics because these antibiotics are believed to cause antibiotics. resistant microbes that thrive in the body when chicken meat is eaten.
  • Inspection -: In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture offers organic poultry farms with a number of recommendations. These rules should be strictly enforced, and organic poultry farmers should regularly visit health facilities to ensure that the company is indeed practicing organic poultry as directed.
  • Organic eggs: Organic chicken must come from biological parents; this means that the eggs must be laid and hatched by organic birds.

You can raise chickens for personal use, to feed your family, or for business. If you want to breed for personal use, you can easily do it from your backyard, but you should first check your state’s laws for where to keep chickens at home. If the law allows, you should also consult your neighbors. Some neighbors may not like this idea and report them to the authorities for pollution and noise.

To avoid this you need to check with them and get their approval ( promise won’t hurt) their eggs and chicks sometimes You should also do your best to keep your surroundings clean and free of chicken odors and waste. Noise is another thing that can make neighbors so angry; You must check this box.

How to grow chicken organically in your garden

Raising commercial organic poultry is much more profitable. This is because it requires less capital and attention than raising non-organic poultry. The only downside is that organic chickens can’t get as big and fat as non-organic raised chickens, but that’s not a problem, especially for those who are health conscious and really appreciate organic chickens. So, if you want to raise organic chickens, here’s how:

1. Choose the right breed … First of all, you need to know why you want to raise chickens. You grow them commercially or just as a hobby or maybe to support your family ? Which breed you choose will depend on your reasons, as some breeds are suitable for commercial chicken collectors as they produce more eggs and can grow very large, while others can produce eggs but not in commercial quantities. You should also take into account temperament, noise and meat production.

2. location -: If you only raise a few chicks, your backyard will be fine as long as your neighbors are excited. But if you are growing a larger amount, especially for commercial purposes, you will need to look for a large patch of land suitable for farming. This usually happens in rural areas and with the necessary license and permits from regulatory authorities. You can also raise chickens in urban areas, but it will cost you more if you buy land in urban areas compared to rural areas.

When you find a suitable location, prepare the land by ridding it of pest reptiles that can harm chickens, and then making the land environmentally friendly. You may want to provide some sort of pasture to encourage worms and insects to live on the ground so the chickens can have more food.

3. Capital -: The amount of capital required to raise chicks also depends on the chosen launch scale. If you want to start small, you can start with as little as $ 500, especially if you want to use your backyard as a location. But if you want to grow commercially on a large scale, you have to consider the cost of the land, the cost of building a chicken shelter, feed, a hatchery, and a host of other factors, and it can cost anywhere from $ 3,500 to $ 70,000.

4. Set up a shelter for your chicks. … When setting up a chick housing system, factors such as heat, waste, egg production, grading and many other factors should be taken into account. A chicken coop placement system is known as a chicken coop, and when building your own you need to create enough space and space for feeders, water containers, perches, nesting boxes for eggs and the deep liters to clean up chicken waste.

5. Feeding: You should also feed the chicks the right kind of food. The quality of the food you provide your chicks will determine their ability to grow and the quality of the eggs they give you. There are three categories of chicken feed

  • Entries -: This concerns newly hatched chicks, which usually contain 10-20% protein. This type of feed is specially designed to accelerate the growth of chicks.
  • Manufacturers -: Once your chicks are 10 weeks old, you can start feeding them broods containing 15-17% protein.
  • Layers -. Layers would need more nutrients to produce quality eggs, and they were fed a diet containing 16% protein and a higher calcium content.

6. Reproduction -: In organic poultry, there will be no need for assisted rearing methods, just stock up on male and female chicks and consider the natural rearing process. Contrary to what you might think, natural reproduction can be as great as artificial reproduction.

7. Find an organic hatchery -: When your chicks lay eggs, you can either sell the eggs for consumption or let the incubator produce more chicks. If you are working with your bird in your garden it can be easy to use a natural incubation system, but for a large bird you will need incubators. You can also consider bringing your eggs to a standard hatchery for incubation.

I mentioned before that in order for your chicks to be considered organic chicks, they must hatch from eggs laid by organic chickens. Therefore, you should look for other organic poultry keepers who can sell chickens to you so that you can get an initial supply for your farm. After that, you can now rely on the chicks themselves to lay the eggs which will be used to raise your chicken coop.

8. Marketing of your birds and eggs -: You can make a lot of profit with your poultry because you have two sources of income: eggs and chicken. You can earn more money from organic poultry farming than non-organic poultry farming. This is because organic poultry products are sold at a higher price than non-organic products, which makes it easier to generate more profits.

For eggs, you can just pack them in fancy letter boxes and take them to grocery stores. On your label, be sure to list them as fresh eggs and fries in some nutritional information.

As your poultry business grows, you can take it a step further by processing and packaging chickens for sale in grocery stores, butchers, farmers markets, or supermarkets. You can also consider supplying them to hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets, and other businesses to do your cooking. Make sure you get the proper license to package and sell meat and eggs to make sure you are safe with the law.

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