Celebrities to interview for your blog

Module 13 -: Posting interviews is a great way to increase the credibility of your blogs and make them even more popular. However, whether or not you get these interview results depends largely on one factor: who you are interviewing with. The more popular and influential the guest of your interview, the more traffic you will generate through that interview and the more popular your blog will become.

So if you really want to get huge traffic from interviews, you need to target the celebrities and other influencers that a lot of people admire and who always want to read from or about them.

It’s easy to list the names of the top people you want to interview on your blog, but making the interviews a reality is a big deal. But it is not impossible to achieve. You can interview anyone on your blog, no matter how untouchable or unreachable. Here are six tips for attracting celebrities and prominent personalities to interview you for your blog.

How to attract celebrities or prominent people to interview you for your blog

1. Place your blog in the following order:

Just like anyone expecting an important guest should tidy up their home before guests arrive, you should get your blog in order before requesting an interview.

After receiving your interview offer, your potential guest will likely check your blog first. The look and feel of your blog and its content can determine whether they’ll satisfy your offer or find an excuse ( of course they won’t tell you that they reject you because your blog looks horrible ).

While blogs with more traffic are more likely to get interviews, blogs with less traffic can also do interviews if they have cool designs and high quality content that matches the passion and the interest of potential interviewees.

2. Decide who you want and find out their interests

You need to decide who you want to add to your blog interview. However, you must remember that your topic must be popular in an area closely related to what you are writing.

For example, if you’re blogging about weight loss, you might ask a gracefully thin girl about how she checks her weight. Likewise, if your blog is about growing a small business, you can ask a successful serial entrepreneur how to grow a small business in no time. The more closely the topic of your blog is related to the interests of your potential interviewer, the better your chances of responding to your interview request.

3. Use leverage

Most celebrities and high profile personalities will not respond to your interview request unless you contact them through someone very important to them, such as a friend or relative. You can find people like this by checking their profiles on social media. Even if you don’t know these people, you can easily contact them and through them connect with your target person.

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Likewise, you can contact a potential interviewee with the help of the charity they are affiliated with. Check their social media profiles to see if they are affiliated with a charity, then connect with that charity and reach potential people through it. However, you should keep in mind that you should state how the interview will benefit both the charity and the interviewee.

4. Indicate the benefits

Another smart way to quickly get a VIP’s approval for an interview is to claim the immense benefit they will receive from the interview.

For example, if you run a political blog and want to identify a candidate for political office in an interview that will be posted to your blog, your proposal will likely be honored if you indicate how the interview can help the other person achieve. his political dreams.

5. Be professional

Nothing kills your interview request faster than bad writing or bad packaging. Many dignitaries feel offended when they send poorly worded or poorly packaged messages.

Therefore, when submitting a request for an interview with a high profile personality or celebrity, make it professional. Write with correct spelling and grammar, especially if you present yourself as a blogger (who is generally considered a good writer ). And if you’re sending a letter, wrap it in a high-quality envelope that matches the personality of the recipient.

6) be flexible

If you really want an interview, but your guest can’t do it on the day you want; be flexible and offer several alternative dates. Better yet, ask them to pick a date that works for them.

Even if they pick a day and time and then cancel it at the last minute, give them the option of choosing a different date. Don’t be angry and swear never to question them again. Instead, ask them to control the schedule and you still get interviews.

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