Growing rapini: growing rapini organically in your garden

You can start growing rapini (commonly sold as broccoli raab Where broccoli rave in the United States) organically in your garden if you want to grow something else. Growing rapini in your garden is very easy and the plants grow very quickly.

Rapini is a green cruciferous vegetable grown primarily for its leaves. But its leaves, buds and stems are also edible. Rapini kidneys are somewhat reminiscent of broccoli, but do not form a large head.

As a vegetable, rapini is known for its slightly bitter taste and is particularly associated with Italian, Portuguese and Galician cuisines.

In the Italian tradition, this plant is especially associated with the cuisine of southern Italy such as Naples, Campania and Puglia.

The whole stalk of rapini is edible, but depending on the season, the plants can become more fibrous. The plant is known by many different names in different parts of the world.

Its other names include friarielli, broccoli, carillon di rapa, broccoli di rap, rapi, grelos, and broccoli friarelli.

However, growing rapini in your vegetable garden has many benefits. Growing rapini organically in your garden can produce nutritious greens very early in the spring and very late in the fall (when harvests are low).

How to Grow Rapini

Rapini is relatively easy to grow and the plants grow quickly. And you can plan to plant seeds right in your garden.

However, here we describe everything about growing rapini organically in your garden, from planting, caring to harvesting.

Choose a location

Choose a good spot in your garden to grow rapini. Rapini plants grow well in full sun and shade.

But to grow rapini, it is good to choose a good place with bright sunshine. The site chosen should also be very fertile and well drained.

prepare the terrain

Rapini plants grow very well in fertile soil rich in organic matter.

So, when preparing the soil, add plenty of organic matter to the soil. For this, well-rotted and seasoned manure or homemade compost is suitable.

Buy seeds

Rapini plants are grown from seed. So, buy good quality seeds after choosing a good site and preparing the soil.

Seeds should be readily available in your local market. You can also order seeds online if you can’t find seeds in your area.

The best time to grow rapini

Rapini plants prefer the same growing season as broccoli. Plants are grown mainly in the cool season and tolerate light frosts well.

In the summer months, the plants do not do well, because in hot weather they rush to sow.


Planting seeds directly into the prepared bed is suitable for growing rapini. But planting seeds in rows will be fine.

Rows should be 10 to 12 inches apart. So, make a few rows in the prepared bed and sow the seeds about 3-4 inches apart. Later, you can thin the seedlings to a distance of 4 to 6 inches.

Rapini seeds germinate faster and can take about 2-3 days to germinate after sowing. And after germination, they will quickly turn into lush leafy plants.


Extra care will help rapini plants grow better. So, when growing rapini, extra care is needed.

Here we detail additional steps for caring for rapini plants in your garden.

Fertilizer: Rapini plants are heavy feeders, and adding extra fertilizer to them will ensure good plant growth. You can use liquid organic fertilizers like blood meal, compost tea, etc.

Watering: Rapini plants will grow best if you keep the soil moist at all times. So, water your plants regularly.

Mulching: Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil. Use organic materials like mulch like hay, grass clippings, compost, straw, etc.

Cannabis control: Weeds consume nutrients from the soil. Thus, controlling them will ensure good plant growth. You can control weeds by hand or with a hoe. A solid mulch will help prevent the spread of most weeds in your garden.

Trim: Pinching the seeds a month after sowing is essential. You will need to pinch off the first bud as soon as you see it, which will cause more than a dozen side shoots to develop.

Pests and diseases

Like broccoli, rapini plants are also susceptible to some common garden pests and diseases. You should always apply household or organic pesticides/insecticides to control all these pests or diseases.


Rapini plants grow very quickly and are ready to harvest within 6-8 weeks of planting the seeds.

The buds burst easily, so you can cut the stems well below their heads (taking a clump of leaves from each). You can start harvesting when the plants have reached the desired size.

And after harvesting, you can enjoy greenery in different ways. Rapini is rich in vitamins A, C and K and is very beneficial for health. Good luck and happy gardening 🙂


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