Do Roosters Lose Their Feathers: A Guide for Beginning Poultry Keepers

Do roosters lose their feathers? This is a frequently asked question by novice poultry keepers. Here in this guide, we will cover it in detail.

It is very pleasant and pleasant to watch the actions of a rooster with multi-colored feathers. Several roosters and hens moving here and there in your yard is an amazing sight.

The roosters have multi-colored feathers, which provide a fantastic view. But sometimes you may notice a few feathers falling around your garden.

You might think, who loses feathers? Laying hens or roosters in the herd? Do roosters lose their feathers? Indeed, your hens like your roosters lose a few feathers from time to time. Do not worry.

Do roosters lose their feathers?

Under normal conditions, feather loss is a natural occurrence for roosters. But you have to come to your senses if they lose too many feathers. Excessive feather loss is unnatural and can occur for a variety of reasons.

We describe a few of these possible reasons why your roosters are shedding too many feathers.


Naturally, roosters become more aggressive than hens. There are many breeds of roosters that become aggressive by gene. Roosters generally want to dominate the flock. And he will fight other roosters if you have more than one rooster in your flock.

This is one of the main reasons for the loss of the pen. Roosters lose their feathers while fighting.

They will jump on each other’s backs, plucking the feathers from their necks with their beaks and with their nails and feet on their backs. Sometimes they peck each other too. The roosters fight even if they don’t have enough hens.

Diseases and Parasites

Feather loss can also be caused by various diseases and parasites. Ticks, lice and fleas are common parasites that cause feather loss. If you notice the presence of lice at the base of the feathers, they are the one responsible for the loss of feathers.

Ticks and fleas also cause feather loss. But it is really more difficult to find them, because generally they do not linger on the body of the roosters. You can notice them only during lunch or at night. Sometimes, in addition to feather loss, signs such as ulcers and scratches can be seen on a rooster’s skin.

Your roosters can also lose their feathers due to bird pox. Bird pox is evident by the sore-like pimples you would see on a rooster’s skin. This will be more noticeable when the roosters lose their feathers.


Moulting is natural for all kinds of birds. Almost all birds molt after a certain amount of time, and roosters are no exception. Your males shed their old feathers and grow new ones when they are moulting. Moulting usually only occurs in hens once a year, especially in roosters.

This usually happens in the fall to prepare the birds with new feathers to protect them from the coming cold. Usually, roosters shed their feathers gradually. They only shed a few feathers at a time. But some roosters can lose all their feathers at once. Usually, the first moult occurs in roosters after they reach one year of age.

The first moult is also a clear signal that your roosters will be ready to mate with females by next season. After moulting, new feathers do not grow quickly. It usually takes a lot of effort for a rooster to grow a set of new feathers after shedding the old ones. During the moulting period, check your males’ coat for signs of disease or weakness.

Carefully observe the males and determine which are the strongest, liveliest and ideal for your herd. During moulting, give them enough nutritious food and plenty of clean, fresh water as needed.


Another reason for feather loss in roosters is poor nutrition and lack of necessary supplements in their normal diet. And even if you make changes to their usual diet. Among the essential nutrients, proteins are very important for the production of feathers and their maintenance of good quality.

To keep roosters healthy, each bird needs about 12 grams of protein per day. Therefore, check the amount of protein in their diet if you notice feather loss. Add more protein supplements to his food if it contains less protein and put it back if it contains excessive amounts. And provide them with clean, fresh water regularly as needed.

Naturally, roosters shed a few feathers from time to time. Take the necessary measures if you notice problems in this natural kind. And always provide a good environment for your birds. Enjoy!

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